Migrants Pull in Big Money for Grifters – IOTW Report

Migrants Pull in Big Money for Grifters

9 Comments on Migrants Pull in Big Money for Grifters

  1. There is an Indian (as in from India) family here who owns the hotels that have been housing the illegals.
    They’ve made so much money on charging the govt that the family is building big new homes in the expensive Cape Elizabeth.
    Poverty and welfare are now some of the largest industries in Maine.
    They’re constantly trying to attract poverty and failure.

  2. Non-profit never meant no-money.

    What should be investigated are the probable kickbacks to Chicago administrators and politicians. NGO’s are also a popular way to launder gov’t funds for political parties.

    It was nice to see that a devout correista has found his way to the American trough as a Chicago alderman. No better training for corrupt Chicago politics than the corrupt Correa regime.

  3. People complain about the military-industrial complex. The homeless-industrial and illegal alien-industrial complexes are designed to grift tax dollars into the pockets of the NGO’s. At least with the first one, we get to blow things up.


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