Trump Can Bend Minds – IOTW Report

Trump Can Bend Minds


There are a great many people who let Trump, and their hatred of him, cloud everything they did, said, and believed from 2016 onward.

Bill Kristol is one of them. There isn’t a principle he once claimed to hold he hasn’t sold out because of Trump.

15 Comments on Trump Can Bend Minds

  1. How can this fool support Biden who is totally antithetical to everything that is pro-Constitution, pro-US global leadership, pro-military, pro-Israel, pro-democratic capitalism, and pro-American dream. I don’t trust or support friggin neo-cons like Bill Kristol who hates Donald Trump so much so that he supports joey and all of his America wrecking, America despising, American destroying policies. If there ever was a poster boy for being a weenie, linguini spined, gutless, chicken shit coward RINO Bill Kristol is it in spades.

  2. Kristol must be making money for this. Just another phony sellout.
    He supports Bide? That means, if you carry it out that he therefore supports weaponized govt, arresting political opponents, criminal deal with foreign countries, letting family members of politicians get away with anything, etc. But mostly I think the military industrial complex and swamp.

  3. And don’t forget bill the vaccines are 100% effective and safe. Get your new booster today and don’t forget the kids.
    This is brought to you by Pfizer.
    Can somebody name anything this guy ever been right about?

  4. I don’t want to be there when this happens, but when Kristol meets God and he strips that man’s soul to the core and bares his true self, that will be his Hell.

    This will happen to every person who is evil and working to destroy all the good in this world.

    Nope, I don’t want to see that. Just knowing it will happen is enough Justice for me.

  5. After Reagan, the Presidency went down hill. Trump at one time was a big fan of Reagan. Reagan was the real deal IMHO, and I don’t feel the same way about the ones who followed him….even though I voted for them and was disappointed in the end. I can’t believe the ring leader monster Carter is still breathing.

  6. Cynic WEDNESDAY, 18 OCTOBER 2023, 1:39 AT 1:39 AM

    Well there was in fact a system in existence back in the day. Perhaps not the greatest success ratio. And then the lawyers did away with the vast majority of it. You have the right to wander around causing fear, filth and mayhem.

    Kind of like giving Damler a slow cooker.


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