Pepper X Is the Hottest – IOTW Report

Pepper X Is the Hottest

Guiness World Records

‘Pepper X’ is now officially the world’s hottest chilli pepper, rating at an average of 2,693,000 Scoville Heat Units (SHU).

It is grown by Ed Currie, founder of Puckerbutt Pepper Company (USA), who also created the previous record holder, the Carolina Reaper, which averages 1.64 million SHU.  More

22 Comments on Pepper X Is the Hottest

  1. If you frequent mexican restaurants where they bring you chips and salsa, ask for the hot salsa. When it’s on the table, ask again for the REAL hot salsa. I learned some good restaurants have a hot-hot salsa they don’t serve whitey.

    No way on the Pepper-X. You can increase your tolerance, however. I was on a spicy kick for a while and increased tolerance to eat habanero peppers off the plant. My stomach said no more so I quit and now can barely stand jalapenos.

  2. It’s hard to imagine the torture or eating one of those! If you were to put one of those in a pot of chili, how big of a pot would it have to be for an average person to think that was the right amount of heat?

  3. Supposedly I’ve had 5+ mil scoville wings, made with capsaicin extract…

    I did win the challenge though.

    My body fought back and I can no longer can deal with habenero-level spice.

    But ‘Puckerbutt’ in the company name is both accurate and hilarious.

  4. I have found that all of the extremely hot peppers have very poor flavor and add nothing to the dining experience.

    To each his own though. Silicone breast enhancement has never done anything for me, but I guess some guys are attracted to it.

  5. No thanks. I like a bit of heat, but realized a long time ago that once the heat reaches a certain level it interferes with the enjoyment of flavors. I suspect that some cooks, both personal and industrial, up the heat to hide bad recipes.

  6. That’s over in Fort Mill, SC. I live just down the road.
    Nice little town with some nice bars. Very few problems with the problem race there. But just 5 miles up the road is Charlotte…where the brothers shoot each other EVERY night and the media doesn’t understand the gun violence.

  7. An severely hot pepper recently killed a man. I read it on the flaming innertubes so it must be true.

    Scoville Heat Units (SHU): When it gets to 20,000,000, the variety should be named ‘Fusion Hot – eat it and die!

    Mmmmmmm. Jalapenos!

  8. I ordered a dozen ‘atomic’ wings at a bar once. As soon as the kitchen door opened I could tell I had made a mistake. The waitress was wearing rubber gloves and carrying the plate of wings as far away from her face as she could. I managed to get them down, but I was sweating profusely when I finished. Never again.

  9. SIDEBAR — Within reasonable limits, I do like spicy-hot food. Years ago, I was a regular at a local Thai restaurant in Maryland, and was on a first name basis with the owner/hostess and cook. One evening, I took a date there, our first meal outing, and those so-and-sos decided to pull a practical joke on me, which I inadvertently made easier by ordering a dish of stir-fried green beans and minced pork. After the food arrived, I was on my SECOND mouthful before I realized that what looked like french cut green beans were actually julienned green Thai peppers, the little skinny bastards. For a few minutes it was like I was breathing through a snorkel attached to a flame thrower.

    The owner and cook made up for it by cooking us a wonderful meal and picking up the whole tab, food AND several Singhas. Too bad I couldn’t taste much… (-:

  10. It can probably kill humans. Get a wee bit of its juice in your eyes and you’ve probably lost your sight forever. I nibbled on a Scotch Bonnet once and I thought that was going to do me in. But it is a comparatively mild species compared to this Pepper X from Hell.

  11. All of you fine folks might consider me nuts, but I love Mr. Currie’s Carolina Reaper’s. Great in homemade salsa. I ordered my Pepper X salsa today! If I survive, I’ll report back to all of you!


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