Curtis Sliwa Working to Shut Down NYC Plans To Allow Thousands of Illegals to Infiltrate – IOTW Report

Curtis Sliwa Working to Shut Down NYC Plans To Allow Thousands of Illegals to Infiltrate

3 Comments on Curtis Sliwa Working to Shut Down NYC Plans To Allow Thousands of Illegals to Infiltrate

  1. I hate to say it and it pains me to say it but unless there is a violent overthrow of the elitist dbags they will get rid of us. So lock and load boys and girls for it is either is or them.

  2. Curtis Sliwa , I hope to God you get hundreds and hundreds like you used to have to help you. You damn well should have been mayor of New York City, and none of this Invasion would’ve happened. You are New York’s guardian angel, And I’m praying for you


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