Resist Arrest Much? – IOTW Report

Resist Arrest Much?


A 53-year-old black man was killed by a Georgia cop earlier this week after being pulled over for speeding and now police have released dashcam footage proving that he initiated a violent attack on the officer prior to his death.

The suspect’s family, though, is refusing to accept this seemingly clear reality and is blaming the officer instead. More

15 Comments on Resist Arrest Much?

  1. That was a mostly peaceful ass whipping the jogger put on the cop. Fuck the cops, too. The cops won’t hesitate to beat you or kill you for not wearing a mask. They are all equally worthless.

  2. of course the mother refuses to accept the video as fact. she understands that she ain’t gonna win the ghetto lottery if it’s true and that ain’t gonna fly. she want her escalade and be “queen for a day”. pay up!

  3. jellybean –

    Gee, I wonder why POC have become so brazen?

    Black Priviledge / Black Entitlement … just watch a couple episodes of Hardcore Pawn and watch Black’s come in and demand money like they’re entitled to it!

  4. Endless stream of black man-boys.
    Raised without a father and the evil
    commies demoratz telling them they can do
    what-ever they want because of racism and whitey/po-po
    can’t stop them……….

  5. I’d like to know the circumstances of his “wrongful conviction”. Was he really innocent, or was he one of those many “non-violent” thugs let out during the covid “get out of jail free” scam. Journos like to embellish and omit thing to suit their narrative.

  6. For days, the press reported that a white cop murdered a man of color who had been wrongly sent to jail and had finally been released. There was no mention of what happened to cause the cop to shoot the guy. I’m so damn sick of the lies. Just another BS ‘Jews bomb hospital full of children story’.


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