She Just Wants To Dance – IOTW Report

She Just Wants To Dance

Brought To You By BLUESJUNKY

18 Comments on She Just Wants To Dance

  1. Thank you, Wild Bill, for educating me. I loved that video and was admiring the sounds coming from that beautiful metal guitar with the funny cone like thing, I just learned it’s a resonator. on that magnificent Dobro. Now I’m a suckered for one too.

  2. Bluesjunky is becoming a National Treasure. I’ve never listened to one thing he’s posted that I don’t like. And I sneak over there and listen to them all. Awesome stuff.

  3. Old Curt was a black man
    With white, curly hair
    When he had a fifth of wine
    He did not have a care
    He used to own an old dobro
    Used to play it ‘cross his knee
    I’d give old Curt my money
    He’d play all day for me

    Lynyrd Skynyrd – The Ballad of Curtis Lowe

  4. @Wild Bill ~ thanks for posting that … Skynyrd could play some blues. “Tuesday’s Gone”, “Ain’t No Good Life”, “Simple Man”, “I Never Dreamed”

    my intro to the dobro was Duane Allman on ‘Little Martha’, the only song he ever composed … man, that was the shizz

    good to see Keb’Mo’ is carrying on the tradition … not many bluesmen left these days of ‘authentic’ blues by AI … machines will never replicate human emotion that channels itself into art. it’s souless …. just like digital can’t replicate analog

    I’ll leave you w/ this …
    something Gregg Allman composed after his big brother, Duane, was killed in a motorcycle accident. Duane was only 24 & Gregg was 21 when Duane died

    I’m verklempt at the moment … discuss amongst yourselves

  5. Nothing like the artistry of music to bring a bunch of contrarian, cantankerous, curmudgeons together.

    It does get a bit tedious when we go at each other instead of our anonymous Alphabet monitors.

    Brilliant music reminds us of our central humanity, let’s save our ire for the Luciferians…

  6. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ: I was a huge Allman Bros. fan. They actually played at my wife’s high school graduation.
    Bought their first two albums in cassette. I carried them every where I went. Was in CA for 5 years, nobody had ever heard of them in 1971 San Diego. I was in a WWII barracks, racks to the bulkheads, centerboard seating.(Navy Talk) Cassette players abounded, the black guys swore that was no Southern White boys. Felt like I was bringing Southern Rock to bushy blond hairdos and huarache sandals.


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