Let’s Contribute to Making These a-Holes Famous – IOTW Report

Let’s Contribute to Making These a-Holes Famous

In addition to tearing down posters of Americans that have been kidnapped by Hamas, the guy says something that deserves a throat punch.

To many, this will sound innocuous, but it is infuriating.

“We don’t consent to being recorded.”

Hey, phucknutz, consent is not needed. You are in public, you jerk. There is no expectation of privacy when walking on the street.

Your comment sounds like the turds on YouTube who, when violating copyright laws, put up a disclaimer that says “I do not own this or make any claim that I produced it.”

Oh, well, by all means, use it any way you like, you shitferbrains.


16 Comments on Let’s Contribute to Making These a-Holes Famous

  1. I’m sure that the people who do know these assholes find them to be completely insufferable assholes. They’re the kinds of creeps that — when they call in or are on vacation — make the office seem so much brighter and cheerier by their absence.

  2. They probably read the NY Times exclusively and think they’re more intelligent than 99% of people they encounter.
    They’d also probably be the first to turn to being snitches if the tyrannical govt asked.

  3. You’d be surprised how many public servants state, “I don’t consent to being recorded,” during the course of their duties in taxpayer paid public buildings and declare, “this is MY building, MY job and you’re violating MY privacy” all while being flanked by multiple ‘security’ cameras on the ceiling. Then they call 9/11 to get the cops involved that show up with guns and even more cameras. Then cops show up and sometimes enforce the building’s no recording POLICY, not law, and sometimes go as far as detaining and arresting a member of the public for a dangerous camera. It’s all so wrong.

  4. Tell the bitch that hitler would be proud of her.
    I read this the other day:
    To clear up any confusion for the morally bankrupt – Who would hitler be rooting for right now?

  5. The masks are off and they are putting their devotion to progressivism/Marxism/Satanism on full display now. It couldn’t be more obvious what they support and who they worship.

  6. Anybody that can condone what these savages just did has a screw loose. A lot of victims were NOT Israelis. A lot were not Jewish. I read an article a couple days ago about what the people at the morgues are seeing that was done to these people and it’s beyond vile. It’s evil. And the image of that poor German girl paraded around like some sort of trophy by these pigs is hard to forget. There’s no debate here. These bastards have cemented a lot of our views. And not where they wanted them. There’s nothing the Israelis could have done to these people to justify their actions. I had some studious type tell me the other day that it would take years of study to understand the dynamics of this fight. Yada yada. I told her I understood how long this fight has been going on. Since Christ as a kid, literally. But here’s what you fail to recognize, there will be no peace until one side or the other is eliminated. And I’ve picked my side.

  7. @Anonymous

    If you read the link yourself, takes all of about 4 minutes, you could answer your own question. And no, just the opposite, it was Candace who wanted to cut the campus terrorist sympathizers some slack.


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