That Pilot Charged With Attempted Murder Was on Magic Mushrooms – IOTW Report

That Pilot Charged With Attempted Murder Was on Magic Mushrooms

Original story


Alaska Airlines pilot Joseph Emerson was on MAGIC MUSHROOMS when he ‘tried to shut down plane’s engine’ after saying ‘I’m not OK’: Dad-of-two charged in federal court and also faces 83 counts of attempted murder

  • Off-duty pilot Joseph Emerson was charged in federal court Tuesday and also faces 83 counts of attempted murder 
  • He’s accused of trying to shut down a San Francisco-bound plane’s engines mid-flight on Sunday 
  • Emerson says he was on magic mushrooms and ‘wanted to wake up’ when the chaos started, according to federal court documents 

15 Comments on That Pilot Charged With Attempted Murder Was on Magic Mushrooms

  1. Loco… The idiot voters in Oregon already made it legal there. So now you can get your weed, shrooms legally to go along with meth, fentanyl and heroin. The pilot must be a resident of that spinning toilet bowl named Oregon.

  2. This is a sad story. Drugs and alcohol are the two most favorite portals for the evil one and his minions. It’s hard enough to resist temptation, and often impossible when you’ve handicapped yourself.

    1 Peter 5:8: “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” ~NIV

    I pray this man repents and seeks Jesus for salvation.

  3. And thank God he was caught on the flight he was on and not sitting in the captain’s seat of his own flight. And who knows? If he was riding dead-head southbound to where he lives outside SF, he just may have piloted an Alaska plane north earlier in the day to Everett. I didn’t read anything about his travels in the article, but Horizon Air’s flights up and down the coast operate like hourly shuttles. It seems the chances would be great he was flying at some point under the influence. Don’t know.

  4. Amen AA, drugs are not to be fooled around with. I had to learn the hard way, but I was delivered from them 48 years ago on Labor Day weekend 1975 and haven’t touched them since or been tempted to use them ever again. I know too many friends who have either committed suicide or have been walking around like a zombie for many years after being garbage heads in their youth back in the 70’s. And I damn near lost my son 16 years ago to a drug overdose, but he recovered because of God’s grace, thank God.

  5. geoff the aardvark — And I’m thankful along with you for your son’s recovery, and yours! I was never addicted to drugs or alcohol, but I often shudder to think what it could have been like. I know too many family members whose lives have been utterly ruined by their addiction to both. It’s a very, very sad enslavement, and the evil one delights in the hopelessness it engenders. I think it would be as bad as Hell itself.


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