“There’d Be Plastic All Over the Floor” – IOTW Report

“There’d Be Plastic All Over the Floor”

Video: Trump Says He ‘Dreams Of Punching Biden In His Fake Nose; There’d Be Plastic All Over the Floor.’

14 Comments on “There’d Be Plastic All Over the Floor”

  1. Plastic and shit would be all over the floor! Jackkass Joe is so full of it, it would squirt out his ears if he ever got punched in the nose! Better wear a rain coat cuz it would look like a Gallagher show!

  2. Now I’m wondering if there’s one more truth PDT knows about Biden, and it’s driving the deep state crazy trying to figure out where he gets his info. Probably another indictment on the way for that remark.

  3. The Pedo is a gasbag, to a certain extent they are both draft dodging cowards, but I will side with PDJT as he genuinely loves and respects we veterans who are not. Unlike the piece of filth who checks his watch while the honorable fallen are received home…

  4. ^^^Cisco Kid WEDNESDAY, 25 OCTOBER 2023, 12:22 AT 12:22 PM….DJT a coward? The guy who stood up to the Chinese, Koreans, Mullahs and Russia and kept the world safe. Stupid comment.


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