Palestinians Are Bad Actors – IOTW Report

Palestinians Are Bad Actors

I understand now. College students are so stupid they fall for this idiotic propaganda-

15 Comments on Palestinians Are Bad Actors

  1. The same people who call Palestinians terrorists, also call white Americans terrorist. The same people who want us to support Israel, would have no problem with putting supporters into reeducation camps.

  2. Let me give you a look inside the progressive methodology. This horseshit is put out there for two reasons 1) it influences those of weak mind and no critical analytical skills whatsoever and 2) The progshits can take any positionand support any cause and if/when called out on it they run straight to this kind of transparent bullshit and claim that they were fooled, that they are not responsible because they saw this and it tricked them.

  3. I posted about this phenomenon a few days ago. Look up the term “Moralistic therapeutic deism.” It describes why (mostly) young people and immature adults get involved in social justice activism and who ignorantly spout off about things of which they have almost zero real knowledge. It’s not about their passion for the cause, it’s about making a god of the cause so they can feel good about themselves. It’s somewhat like virtue signaling, but more insidious and dangerous.

  4. Moralistic therapeutic deism, that sounds like a lot of meaningless mumbo jumbo. What the hell is that supposed to mean? And how can these lefty idiots feel good about themselves when everything they do is bad. Talk about moral relevance or equivalence these morons have it in spades. I’m glad I gave up all this leftist horseshit 40 years ago when I quit being a brain dead zombie.

  5. ” And how can these lefty idiots feel good about themselves when everything they do is bad.”

    They don’t get to recieve the bad effects of their actions. Not usually. It almost becomes newsworthy when they do.

  6. @ AbigailAdams THURSDAY, 26 OCTOBER 2023, 10:20 AT 10:20 AM

    Spot on, there is also this. Back when Seattle Fur Exchange was the target of protests and “protesters” ended up in local jails, there was a distinct difference between the females who were engaging in virtue signaling their moralistic therapeutic deism refused toothpaste, shampoo, soap etc. “because it was tested on animals.” Like they had any familiarity with any aspect of personal hygiene in the first place. If given the option of being released from jail, they would turn it down. The guys who were in custody didn’t give a shit about anything other than getting a piece of lib chick ass. The second they were given the option of getting out, they were ready to go.

  7. This reminds me of the classics from 15-20 years ago, such as the Pally’s carrying a covered corpse on a stretcher — they drop the stretcher and the dead body climbs back on; the “freedom fighter” who gets shot, and the ambulance is there to pick him up before he even hits the ground.

    I wonder if those are diverse enough to be eligible for an Oscar?

  8. geoff the aardvark — Break it down, I guess. Moralistic = in this case, self-righteous. Therapeutic = a mode or means of acting on one’s psyche. Deism = god.

    Put them all together and when applied to the person, it means someone who elevates something to the importance of a personal god in order to “do good”/honor it, and feel moralistically superior to others, and feeling very good and warm all over because of it.

    I think you’ll appreciate that instead of honoring the one true and living God of the universe by getting to know him on a personal basis, people try to assuage their consciences by being do-gooders for their lesser gods; usually while knowing little to nothing about the causes they’re so insufferably vocal about.

  9. JDHasty — Heavens, yes! I remember those idiotic protests and protesters. They are exhibit A to what I was talking about, for sure.

    Haha! The Fur Exchange. That was a long time ago! And I do remember at the time thinking a couple of things about the situation. Mostly I was shocked that there were actually girls/women who looked that skanky on purpose. And shrill women are the worst!


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