What Kind of Police Raid is This? – IOTW Report

What Kind of Police Raid is This?

22 Comments on What Kind of Police Raid is This?

  1. Defense Lawyer questioning Officer On the Stand:

    “Officer, Do you remember when it was exactly, that you lost all passion for your Job?”

    You can’t blame coppers for getting fed up.

  2. And tat dumb whore kamala harris is running around urging gun confescation. THAT will be the final line in the sand.
    Know why she’s so
    passionate aboit it? Because she’s been shot so many times in the fa e.

  3. He was a Democrat, a secessionist, a mutineer who led troops against his former comrades at arms, and a traitor. It was Lincoln’s magnanimity that kept him and other Confederate officers from the firing squad.


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