Israel’s Sponge Bomb – IOTW Report

Israel’s Sponge Bomb


Israeli troops could be planning to disable Hamas tunnels and trap the terrorists underground using innovative ‘sponge bombs’.

How to deal with concealed fighters hiding in the myriad of tunnels under Gaza will be one the main concerns for the Israel Defence Force (IDF) when they begin their long-promised ground offensive into the besieged city.

And according to some reports, a secret new weapon dubbed the ‘sponge bomb’ could see deployment for the first time.

Based around a liquid emulsion, the chemical compound can be dropped into a tunnel before rapidly expanding and hardening, potentially trapping attackers down alleys or securing safe routes for Israeli commandos while searching for hostages.

Troops are said to have used the handheld devices at the Israeli military’s ‘mini Gaza’, a mock-up of the urban warren where they will soon be expected to fight constructed at the Urban Warfare Training Center in the Negev desert.

According to the Telegraph, the bombs feature a metal partition separating the two volatile liquids, which immediately react when they touch.

The material is said to be so hazardous that Israeli troops were blinded during practise sessions.

Foam and even slime have often been considered for their potential military utility, but results have been modest.


25 Comments on Israel’s Sponge Bomb

  1. The Palestinians are a pestilence and should be destroyed any and every way possible.

    Just a shame Fauci can’t talk em all into taking the jab …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. We could solve two problems at the same time: Hog farms all over have the challenge of what to do with the contents of their waste lagoons. Pumping that stuff into hamas’s tunnels would probably work to get the bastards out where they could be shot as well as being highly satisfying emotionally.

    I don’t know how to overcome the transportation challenge, though.

  3. Ah, they’re being too nice. Hook a exhaust pipe up and fumigate the rats. Then stand by at where the exits start sending smoking signals upward and pop, as in shoot to kill, any that emerge. Repeat as needed. They wanted to play tough!!

  4. Thermobaric bombs were made for just such circumstances. If the blast wave does’t get them, the sudden lack of oxygen will. Then toss in the sponge bombs to seal the tomb.


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