London Bridge is Falafeling Down – IOTW Report

London Bridge is Falafeling Down

16 Comments on London Bridge is Falafeling Down

  1. England’s Edict of Expulsion (AD 1290) stood for 350 years.
    England has a long history of anti-Semitism.

    The limeys will wring their hands and do absolutely nothing while the filthy fucking ragheads murder the Jews.
    Same as New York City.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I’m willing to bet that Ben M. Freeman until recently thought Enoch Powell was a horrible, horrible man. Hell, Ben probably still believes it and will go to his early grave believing it.

  3. England put all the Jews on an island that was submerged at high tide. Looks like they decided to repeat that action. I just can’t believe civilized nations allowed this trash in their borders.

  4. Thirdtwin
    SATURDAY, 28 OCTOBER 2023, 20:50 AT 8:50 PM
    “OT, Matthew Perry is dead at age 54. Apparently drowned in his home jacuzzi after cardiac arrest. No drugs found at scene.”

    …AKA “Suddenly”.

    H’wood types DO like them some vaxxx…

  5. I will always stand with Almighty God for the Jews and never Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Iran etc. and their phony pedophile deity Mohammad. Islam is a heretical religion which hates all Jews, Christian, the United States and everyone who won’t bow their knee to their false prophet. They are a demonic cult.


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