Absurd Water Fountain Unveiled in Vienna – IOTW Report

Absurd Water Fountain Unveiled in Vienna

Looks ridiculous. Someone, an “artist” was paid for this. Lots. Too much.

Her should pay to have it hauled away.

I like the soundtrack to the video more.

HT/ woody

28 Comments on Absurd Water Fountain Unveiled in Vienna

  1. The govt “art” “authorities” got a bunch of severely brain damaged and retarded people, and had half of them make the statuary in a toilet studio, and the other half make the sound track as a kazoo and nose whistle ensemble.

  2. OMG
    It looks like they designed it with insulating spray foam and then casted it in concrete or whatever that white stuff is bonus points for the abstract interpretation of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man or is that the Michelin man?

  3. A P. T. Barnum quote about a sucker being born every minute comes to mind. And the sucker was right on time.

    Reminds me of the “Stone Field Sculpture” in Hartford, Corupticut that consists of 36 boulders placed in rows. That’s it, just 36 boulders that make a triangular shape. And the “sculptor” was paid to do it. No worries, it was “Government Funded”.

  4. A tall turd with legs. And a human figure with a penis where his ear should be. This is madness hiding behind the word “art”.

    Here in the US, Portland OR has some pretty grotesque municipal “art”.

  5. I can see this concrete monstrosity being vandalized in short order. Might help improve its looks.


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