Scum Take All the Candy – IOTW Report

Scum Take All the Candy

Mexico is sending us their murderers, rapists, and candy stealers.

I love how the waste of life saunters over to make sure not even one piece is left for anyone else. I hope they all died in a fiery wreck, including the kids. Yes, I said it. They will grow up to be scumbags, too, because that is their upbringing.

36 Comments on Scum Take All the Candy

  1. Isn’t this emblematic of the attitude 99% of all illegals have, cross the border and everything will be provided for you?

    At least they didn’t burn the house down for only having candy available. We’ve seen Muslim illegals in Europe, unhappy with the 5-star accommodations given to them, express their displeasure by arson and vandalism.

    Countries that lower the gates and allow the barbarians access deserve what they get.

  2. This is nothing new unfortunately. We used to live in a gated community, 1 acre parcels, big ranch style homes. We would get bus loads of people coming up to our little community because that’s where all the good candy was at. 2 years of that and we started shutting the gates every Halloween.

  3. They do this with welfare grants and entitlements as well, and with democrat invitations and blessings. Look at NYC, Seattle, Minnesota, parts of Michigan, and others.

    It why America is becoming obsolete – it’s being given away.

  4. Meanwhile, my two kids walked up to a house last night and found a bowl that had just been emptied. They both took a handful of candy out of their own bags and put it in the bowl, so the next kids who came to the house would have something.

    My kids are both better than me. By far.

  5. what would you expect from shithole third world country pieces of shit soon to be democrat voters?

    Actually, knowing democrats, these may be second and third generation people that have refused to assimilate, but love their freebies.

    Fuck them all, thieves and demo….. sorry, that would be redundant.

    I hope they all die. We would all get our wish. Dead illegals we no longer have to support. Dead dems that can’t vote. And even the Dems should be happy because they got their population reduction.

  6. this happened to me over 35 years ago. My husband was out of town on business and I had nobody to stay home and pass out candy while I took my little ones age 3 and 5 for a little trick or treating.

    We were only out for about 30 minutes and I left a bowl of candy on the doorstep. Well it was all taken before I got back and my carved pumpkins were smashed in.

    No Mexicans – just neighborhood kids. It happens.

  7. Stopped the candy give away 20 years ago – give the equivalent of the amount spent to a local homeless shelter instead. it’s usually full of people down on their luck who don’t get the entitlements the illigrants get.

  8. I just read an update on this from Instagram. They’re saying an “older gentlemen” watched this go down and caught the two women up the street and made them dump their entire bags in the pot.

  9. That’s why we don’t participate in this annual shakedown.
    They park their vans full of kids at the entrance of our subdivision and invade our neighborhood with kids with no association with us.
    Ther is no logical reason to purchase overtime candy to give to people whose don’t even live near here. They just hit us up because it is an upscale neighborhood.
    Besides, our lives Maltese dog would go nuts with the door being opened and closed every few minutes.

  10. Beachmom,

    I do not condemn kids for mischief, or bad choices, and smashing pumpkins (apologies to Billy Corgan). I condemn this because these were adults, and this was their example to their soon-to-be shitty brood.

  11. OT: when you mentioned ‘saunters’ it reminded me of an early ’60’s show called “Combat!” (w/ the exclamation point in the word ‘combat’ was a bayonet)

    it was about a WWII American combat squad w/ the Sgt. being a guy named ‘Saunders’ (played by Vic Morrow; killed by Stephen Speilberg while filming the first ‘Twilight Zone’ movie). anyway, Saunders was a cool guy & a hero to us kids & we nicknamed his walk ‘the Saunders Saunter’
    (you can see a glimpse of it at about the 1:00 mark)

    aaaaaaand, back to topic: they’re ILLEGAL ALIENS! …. they’re not MIGRANTS, they’re PERMANENTS
    … & every US Congress Critter & US Executive branch official that has enabled this disgraceful, deliberate invasion should be charged w/ Treason … & duly punished (as swiftly as the J6 protestors) by a People’s Tribunal (where is Robespierre when you need him?)

    these ‘effers want to be more like the Middle-East Maniacs & the Nazis/Commies? … give it to ’em! …. right up the whazoo!

  12. Combat was on Tues nights at 7:30. I remember that because of how I looked forward to it. I have the complete series on DVD and will put it on once in a while.

    Face it, by far most of the illegals pouring in or that have already poured in have no idea of our traditions. And they are, as well as our own citizens, actively exposed to constant denigration of said traditions.

  13. The biggest surprise to me is how the practice of leaving untended bowls of candy is so common.

    We let the neighborhood kids ring the doorbell so I can see them. If the night is mild I sit outside to watch the activity.


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