The Matriarchal Society – IOTW Report

The Matriarchal Society

13 Comments on The Matriarchal Society

  1. Even if women wanted to do hard labor jobs (and certainly a few do), it’s really hard to do them while 8 months pregnant. And for the next 6 months her baby will be much, much better off with her at home rather than dad. At a minimum.

  2. And at the end of the day women are still attracted to strong confident men. And a strong confident man will still call the shots in a relationship. It how we were designed. There’s plenty of weak men to chose from I guess. Have a ball.

  3. Here’s a shocker;

    Lib women, feminists, are learning a hard lesson in life; a high-value man wants a traditional woman, one that recognizes gender roles, a low-notch count, can cook, be agreeable and pleasant, and takes care of herself, all things modern women find abhorrent.

  4. I don’t know Brad, I know a few strong and confident men that are happily married and in most every instance when the wife makes her case on what she expects the husband complies. Myself included. Happy wife, happy….now how does that go again?

  5. Whatever happened to that thing called love? Real love that instills a deep regard toward our life’s partner? A true love that wishes for the beloved to flourish and attain their best self? When I hear (or read) men talking about wearing the pants, it makes me queasy. There’s a tacit threat in it like “or else..” Confident men don’t have to invoke the “I wear the pants” threat. Nor should they dangle the “I bring home the bacon” over a wife’s head. That’s not love, that’s two people who — for their own reasons — are merely putting up with each other.

  6. We each bring our strengths and have each other’s backs. Traditional roles? Life has a tendency to spit on our expectations of those. Man plans and God laughs. Twice my husband (who is a highly intelligent and exceptionally capable man’s man) has lost his job. At his level of employment it can take a year to find another job to maintain that level and professional trajectory. 12 years ago I worked 3 jobs with 3 kids at home while he searched. Gentlemen, you all can well imagine how this gutted him and his sense of self worth. 8 years ago it happened again. I was able to keep us going with just one job (thank God because I ain’t getting any younger).

    He prays every night for the men that God intends for our daughters to remain steadfast until they meet, but life has shown him this world requires what it required of my grandmother; for a woman to be able to pick up the pieces in the wreckage after seeing her husband killed by a truck on the highway, go back home and raise 4 kids to love God no matter what hardship comes their way. I’ve never fit a traditional role. Always been a tomboy. Work a 100 hour workweek to support my family. Hunt, field dress and process a deer from field to the freezer. Work 10 hours physical labor on my days off the past 3 months clearing tornado debris and hauling downed trees.

    The difference is I teach my girls that a woman’s capability is not something to be weaponized against a man unless he tells her she shouldn’t or she can’t. Then they’ll do it twice with a smile. We are raising warrior women, not princesses.

  7. AbigailAdams WEDNESDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 2023, 19:06 AT 7:06 PM

    Suspect that “True Love” is only or most often found in parent for the child.

    Then he said…
    Well, we’re on the second page so it might be safe to add my comment that might be inappropriate…

    Sam’s take on it (Profane & Lewd Warning)
    Edited, but still funny (to me)


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