The New Beatles Track is Very Good – IOTW Report

The New Beatles Track is Very Good

They managed to pull off a great song from a pretty thin and rambling Lennon demo-

23 Comments on The New Beatles Track is Very Good

  1. I’m a big fan of the Beatles. I’m not impressed. It is such a dirge, dragging along with an unmemorable melody and uninspiring lyrics. There is no outstanding instrument, but a mottled blend of random sounds. I thought there was going to be a slide guitar break in George’s style. But the instrumental break was just a bunch of strings, again with no concrete melody line.

  2. I’m an original Beatles fan. 12 years old, running from evening church Sunday night to see them on Ed Sullivan.

    I didn’t like everything they did, but most of the early years are still in my heart. This made me cry.

    I’m not as astute with all the instrumentation, but John’s vocal was haunting. I’ll listen a few more times, as it reminds me of his music after he lived in NY for several years.

  3. One of the better memes I’ve seen recently featured John Lennon playing guitar in front of a screeching Yoko Ono. The caption said, “Love is not just blind. It’s deaf, too”.

  4. “If you’re not familiar with Todd Rundgren check the album by him titled “A wizard, a true star”. A masterpiece in my opinion.
    Todd Rundgren produced and funded Bat Out Of Hell. One of the best albums of all time. RIP Meat and Jim.


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