Congress Sneaks Through $34,000 Pay Raise for Itself – IOTW Report

Congress Sneaks Through $34,000 Pay Raise for Itself

WND: Bidenflation apparently isn’t a worry to many members of Congress who are taking advantage of a $34,000 “pay raise” that they voted for themselves through an internal rule change that avoided the political backlash of openly allocating themselves more money, according to a new report.

It is the Washington Free Beacon that noted taxpayers now “are funding luxury housing accommodations for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, D-N.Y., and over 200 other members of Congress, many of whom boast net worths over $1 million.”

The added money comes through housing and meal subsidies, the report said.

The change happened just as the Democrats were about to lose their majority to the GOP. more

22 Comments on Congress Sneaks Through $34,000 Pay Raise for Itself

  1. Make them eat oatmeal and rice cakes, the generic stuff. Make them live in tent cities. Just maybe they’ll begin to understand just how close people on Social Security are getting to these levels, especially those on the low end of those benefits.

  2. ‘Scuse me while I whip this out –

    Considering the state of the nation after three years of a democRAT stooge who lies like a rug, steals money from the tax payer hand over fist, steals valor for himself using his dead son and pimps-out his remaining son – along with a whole host of other democRAT skullduggery, we’re somehow supposed to reward this collection of thieving assholes???
    Good gawd… we are so fukked!

  3. They didn’t “sneak through” a raise – IT’S AUTOMATIC! – unless they vote it down.
    And the vote generally comes up at 2 or 3 AM when there’s nobody around but the cleaning crew.
    See how that works? It ain’t their fault!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Voat for it, not AUTOMATIC. Read the story, jeeze. Demorats were joined by your fellow repukes in this, newsflash! While stopping & shutting down America, giving themselves a pay raise is nothing more than giving Americans the middle finger. Used car salesman, lawyers & snake oil salesman tain’t got nuttin on these con men. But hell, Social Security cuts their are trying to pass.
    FUCK THEM. A 3.2 SS raise is not what the current inflation rate is. They cut SS benefits there will be hell to pay on BOTH sides of the goddamn aisle!


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