Bobby Knight Passes at 83 – IOTW Report

Bobby Knight Passes at 83


Knight’s family shared the news on Wednesday night.

“It is with heavy hearts that we share that Coach Bob Knight passed away at his home in Bloomington surrounded by his family. We are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers, and appreciate the continued respect for our privacy as Coach requested a private family gathering, which is being honored.”

Knight’s Hall of Fame career included three national titles at Indiana including one undefeated season, an accomplishment that remains unmatched to this day. More

9 Comments on Bobby Knight Passes at 83

  1. Some things get overlooked; his kids graduated, and this was a priority for him. And his 3 titles are all the more remarkable considering that in all those years, he only had one bonafide superstar, Isiah Thomas.

    I read his book many years ago, really good book. He talks about the stress he was under all throughout that undefeated season. He knew his team was good and that they should not lose a game, so if they did it was because he failed at his job to prepare them mentally. This is what a true leader does, holds himself accountable.

  2. 50 years ago Jim Healy (KLAC 570 , music then)- IMHO the best sports new man ever. BY FAR! – had a clip of young Bobby telling a bunch of leftist reporters , “I’ve forgotten more about this game than half of you will lever know!”! Jim played it several hundred times the next few years; even when he was on KMPC.. I followed Jim because he was not only fun but He was almost always right! “I dont make this stuff up!”!!

    His son was bland, nothiing.

  3. Did Isiah graduate or did he plead heartship and go to the pros? I can’t remember, but you bring up another cool thing about Bobby and his kids graduating with a degree. Compared to all the other teams/coaches at that time. He was a tough coach but a cool dude. Remember the purse snatchers from UNLV? We used to laugh about that. They were a great team and trying to upset the usual suspects like NC, Georgetown, Kentucky, Kansas. Saturday’s were really big in our house growing up. Didn’t watch much pro anything… College teams were awesome back then. And it was reasonably pure and fun. Now… forget it. It’s a business like the Pros. No Villanova upsets. ’85. That was an amazing game!

  4. When Knight was at IU, he had a golf show with a local club pro. I used to have a VHS tape of outtakes. His profanity laced commentary was hilarious as were his “commercials” (which would have given his sponsors heart failure if they had ever aired).
    Found it (or at least some of it) on YT:

  5. Being from Indiana, about 25 miles south Bloomington, my family never missed IU playing while Coach Knight was captain of the ship. He might have been controversial, but he did it right. Not only for himself, but his players. They went to class, got their degrees & it seems the lot of them became upstanding men. Can’t be done these days. The majority of players have their eyes on the NBA & buckets of cash. RIP Coach, when God made you, he broke the mold.


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