Roseanne Barr Calls Rob Reiner a Fat Ass on X – IOTW Report

Roseanne Barr Calls Rob Reiner a Fat Ass on X

17 Comments on Roseanne Barr Calls Rob Reiner a Fat Ass on X

  1. Sadly, sometimes war IS the answer.
    If someone wants you dead, and you don’t want to be dead, there’s no room to negotiate.
    If someone wants to enslave you, and you don’t want to be a slave, there’s no room to negotiate.
    If someone wants to kill your children and your neighbors, and you don’t want your children and your neighbors killed, there’s no room to negotiate.

    Meathead’s a fukkin … well … meathead …

    Meet force with overwhelming force. Be the “fustest with the mostest” (Forrest). If he brings a knife, you bring a gun. If he brings a gun, you bring artillery. If he brings a thousand armored vehicles, you bring a tactical nuke. Make him plead “Please, sir, whatever I did to piss you off, I’m heartily sorry” as you stomp his country into a dismal, fetid, radioactive wasteland.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I don’t like either of em, both could die tomorrow & it will be no loss. Barr, never ever have I once laughed at her spiel, nothin more than a knee-jerk wannabe. Rob, never followed his life ever, just don’t give a damn.

  3. That fat fuck Rob Reiner is the reason in on my 9th Twitter account. I say “Hi” to the fucker and BOOM! I’m banned. Maybe because in the other eight accounts I e told him he’s a fat fucking, no good, worthless, fucking pile of steaming shit and the ONLY reason he survived is because he’s Carl’s son and has where he is and that includes eating the pussy of Penny Marshall… Which is against the Geneva Convention.

  4. Rob Reiner is a prime example of the absolute stupidity of the demoncrat party and what the Hollywood (so called) elite actors have drug down our country to the pits of hell

  5. @Tim FJB

    Yes. Some wars have had very good results.

    Our Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWII, Cold War, Israel’s various wars, allowing it to continue as a free country, possibly Simon Bolovar’s wars in SA against the Spanish Empire.

    Other wars not so beneficial – WWI a bloodbath with no good result. As a French Officer put it after Versailles – the “peace” is just a 20 – year ceasefire. How right he was.


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