iOTW PSA- Do Not Use These Eye Drops – IOTW Report

iOTW PSA- Do Not Use These Eye Drops

They can blind you.

See here

8 Comments on iOTW PSA- Do Not Use These Eye Drops

  1. The source country for the last eye drop recall was India. No mention of country for this list.

    Not sure I’d want to put those hard-to-pronounce chemicals in my eyes wherever they came from.

  2. Thanks.
    I use eye drops on rare occasions, but whatever I have on the shelf is going into the trash (might be on the list, but definitely old).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. There was a scare 3 or 4 months ago involving some other brand. Why wasn’t the FDA monitoring this more closely? Isn’t that their job?
    I’ve been using eye drops for my cataracts for years and it has saved my vision.


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