Who Won’t Chuck Schumer Betray? – IOTW Report

Who Won’t Chuck Schumer Betray?

PJ Media

What happened in five years to make Chuck Schumer, whose Hebrew name is Yeshaya ben Avraham, totally abandon freedom, Israel, and his Jewish heritage in favor of socialism, authoritarianism, and terrorists?

Cowardice. Schumer’s 180 degree shift is caused simply by his fear of losing personal power. Succumbing to his “yetzer hara” (a Jewish term meaning “evil inclination”), Chuck Schumer has totally forsaken his values, his family history, his religion, and the United States out of fear of losing personal power. More

24 Comments on Who Won’t Chuck Schumer Betray?

  1. He has betrayed God.
    There is nothing on Earth he will not betray, if the price is right.
    He is totally in thrall of Satan.
    Better to have never been born than to face what awaits him.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Satan, his master.
    He has betrayed everyone but his master, for the love of money, just like Mitch and a whole lot of other scum bags running our corporation we call the United States of America.
    Trump or we are done.

  3. He sold his birthright in God’s kingdom for temporal power, so the few remaining years he has to enjoy that temporal power are all he has left to show for his bargain with the devil, so he’s damn well going to get everything he can from what little he has left.

  4. The Bible goes into great detail about ungrateful stiffed necked Jews like Schumer and others like him. I’m in the camp to give it over to God. Let not your hearts be troubled……

  5. @geoff the aardvark – the most dangerous place in DC is between Schmucky and a camera.

    And that stink eye that Shroomer has developed is downright creepy. What a weasel.

  6. Democrap politicians have a lot of Judas’s amongst their members. And they charge far than just 30 pieces of silver nowadays. The Democrap party should be renamed the Judas party. RINO’s will also stab you in the back but they charge less but are just as equally evil.

  7. Wait wut? “…Schumer not only is fighting against the House-approved bill of November 2 to give $14 billion in aid to Israel, but …” I can agree with this. We have sent Israel, Iran, Hamas, Ukraine, ad nauseum, enough of our fake money! Time to close the borders and make America Great!

  8. The entire lot of our “representatives” sold their souls long ago for a bit of earthly power and money. They possess absolutely no morals, principles or values whatsoever. How a man or woman can commit treason, send young men to war to die for political capital and betray the public trust, effectively destroying everything that made this country great, is beyond logical thought. And, they have no shame while doing so. These people are evil and disgusting to the point of making principled individuals want to vomit. If Americans allow it to continue our collapse is imminent. Prying power from their evil hands will not be an easy task. It may already be too late.


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