*If Election Was Held Tomorrow, Trump Would Win – IOTW Report

*If Election Was Held Tomorrow, Trump Would Win

*if it was on the up and up.

Even more bad news for Biden: Trump now leads Dem. president in FIVE of six key swing states, and is snapping at his heels in hold-out Wisconsin, shock new poll shows.

28 Comments on *If Election Was Held Tomorrow, Trump Would Win

  1. If they cheat again, all hell breaks loose. If they throw him in jail, all hell breaks loose. Basically I’m thinking all hell is going to break loose. Prepare accordingly.

  2. “If Election Was Held Tomorrow, Trump Would Win” Trump won in 2020. What will be different this time? Will we have different ‘vote counters’?

    “It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” – Joseph Stalin

  3. But Barack, Hillary and Joe don’t WANT to go to prison! So either the election is postponed, or, Trump loses again. There are still plenty of ways to accomplish either outcome.

    It’s all about our top criminals not being held accountable. (And, yes, there are MANY more than those three!)

  4. You mean the 6 states in which NORHING has been done to fix the corruption of 2020 and 2022? You mean the 6 that ALL stopped counting at the same time and then magically counted several million extra votes for Biden when they resumed counting? There is NO POINT in mentioning polls unless orange jumpsuits and gallows are used to address the criminality of the past.

  5. @LBS – “…I’m hoping joe biden* doesn’t survive 2023….”

    So what good does that accomplish? There will just be another demonrat to take his place who will steal the election. Republicans are spineless milquetoast pussies.

  6. I guess if the stolen election is an inevitable given, then I have no problem with your wish for Biteme LBS. We all have that hope. I wish I had the answer for how to ensure a “fair” election. What a sad state we’re in.

  7. Where,when, how? Dream on dweezers. NOT A CHANCE EVEN IF HELL FROOZE THE FUCK OVER. In a little over one year from now, his BABYtards will be cryin’ … just a minute… IT WAS STOLLEN again. Braaaaaaaa, I want my mommy. Those guys are soo bad, mommy can you fix my owey? It hurts soooo bad.

  8. Orange urangatang can only be swallowed by official MAGAott kool-aid drinkers, was declared a psychotic hallucinagen, which once taken can never be undone. You are so fucked.

  9. Until they stuff the ballot boxes and dominion changes the votes.

    I will say this though, I’ve defended Desantis a lot, but I’m about done with that. I started watching the Kowalski trial against John Hopkins All Childrens Hospital and through that it got me to researching. Florida privatized DCF, they literally have non-profits contracted to find child abuse, mainly through Child abuse expert pediatricians. The more kids you medically kidnap, the more money you get. Dozens of families have already came forward of how they were wrongly accused of abusing their children, costing them tens of thousands of dollars to fight by hiring experts. These medical abuse doctors find things that no other doctor finds. More are coming forward every day, and this hospital and one doctor have medically kidnapped more children in one county than the entire state.
    If that isn’t bad enough, a federal Judge just this past summer ordered Florida to stop putting kids with complex medical conditions in nursing homes. Babies and kids kept in beds with bars soaked in urine and feces. What the hell Desantis, you’re falling farther and farther behind, get back to your damn state and do something about what’s being done to kids. You want to make me turn against you, harming kids will do it. As Governor knowing this shit was going on and doing nothing about it, I have zero respect for him anymore.
    Oh and this damn John Hopkins All Childrens Hospital was killing babies, leaving needles in babies hearts. Report showed the damn nasty people were not taking care of patients, weren’t sanitizing the hospital, weren’t even washing their damn hands and the state fines them a measly $800,000. Not that the federal government did much more other than tell them they were about to lose federal funding if they didn’t fix their issues.
    Hell I wouldn’t even visit Florida now with my grandkids, heaven forbid one of them were to get sick or hurt while there and they needed to meet their quota for the month.

  10. Loco, you’re funny, it wasn’t that long ago when Brad and others were giving me shit for what I said about Trump and Desantis. So yes until recently I was more in Desantis camp than I was Trump’s camp and I have been critical of Trump many times.
    However, I can’t vote for a man whose state is so screwed up when it comes to not only the harm to kids, but also that my federal tax dollars go towards this screwed up privatized bullshit. He could have done something about it and he didn’t.
    Trump did a lot of shit I didn’t like and still don’t like, number one being covid and covid death jab, the other that tops my list is how poorly he chose people in his administration because he has a huge issue with someone stroking his ego and it blinds him to their faults.

  11. No…Trump isn’t winning anything. Both the DNC and the GOP will conspire to prevent that. The left has proven TWICE that THEY decide who wins elections…NOT the voters. TINVOWOOT


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