Nashville Mayor Angry Shooter’s Manifesto Was Leaked – IOTW Report

Nashville Mayor Angry Shooter’s Manifesto Was Leaked

GP: Nashville’s Democratic Mayor expressed outrage after the manifesto was leaked to the public, as it shattered a narrative that was being constructed about the incident.

The manifesto shed light on the motive behind the horrific shooting – the transgender murderer held a deep-seated racial bias and harbored intentions to target white individuals specifically.

28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a transgender former student, murdered three 9-year-olds and three adults in March in a mass shooting at the school. Hale fired off 152 rounds during the targeted attack at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.

The attack appeared to be a deadly hate crime by a deranged trans shooter against Christian Americans. The media has largely ignored the attack that resulted in six deaths, including three children. more here

22 Comments on Nashville Mayor Angry Shooter’s Manifesto Was Leaked

  1. Good. I like seeing angry progs.

    Reminder: Using the terms “transgender” and “tranny” is falling into the enemy trap. The accurate terms are “pseudosexual” or “pseudy”.

  2. Gee Wally, more “false conspiracy theories” proving true every day!

    No kiddin Beave – and Jackass Joe has blood on his hands for promoting “White Supremacy” and “Systemic Racism” from his bully pulpit simply to divide the nation and foment hate that he was supposedly going to “unify”! Calling White people racist simply for the color of their skin is the very essence of Racism!! More God damned lies than China has rice!

  3. A public declaration of policy and aims. I didn’t read any thing that wasn’t just pure hate. She had to be a bad seed from the moment of conception. 28-year-old former student of The Covenant School. I figure she graduated when she was 18, so she’s been stewing over her anger for 10 years? She’s been under mental health care for years and years prior to the murders. It’s the same common thread with these wackos. First one I’ve read about that wanted to remain a child, that was her manifesto. She hated kids because she wanted to remain one. She was a parent’s nightmare. BTW, I have a niece, her birth name was Sara, she wants to be addressed as Xavier. I refused, so I’m on her list.

  4. Too fucking bad. Fuck your outrage. Your “outrage” does have value though” it confirms that The Party was in on it.

    “Outrage” makes your message questionable. Look up vintage children’s book lessons and it is explained there

  5. Weel, even though the perpetrator has assumed room temperature, they sont want the public to see the coconspirators in the school, social work, and medical community that created this monster, all of which need to be stopped.

  6. If it don’t fit the narrative, bury it.

    Nikita Khrushchev said: “We will bury you”
    … in lies, damned lies, burying the Truth and promoting our Communist agenda!

  7. What the manifesto confirms is the that hatred was a motivator. The Party has been desperately trying to put forth the notion that it was hatred for “trans” that was behind it. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for real Americans the perp put the lie to that. Like damn near everything that motivates the progs, it was hatred that is a manifestation of the resentment that stemmed form envy of anyone who has something they feel deserving of, but unfairly cheated out of. They envy people who are able to live a joyous and fulfilling life more than you can imagine. They have been encouraged to embrace their envy by leaders of the progressive movement and reject any notion that envy is not only a cardinal sin, but destructive. These pieces of shit then tap into that envy, stoke resentment and then project the hatred they are totally responsible for nurturing onto others.

    You bet your ass they are pissed. Crowder just rat fucked them big time.

  8. The Party better be careful. They are going to try and turn this into another “current thing” to get behind. The current thing schtick is no longer working though. They no longer enjoy the hegemony they enjoyed. The current thing has been over used and even the stupidest of their moronic followers are starting to figure it out.

  9. “Kill those kids!!! Those crackers going to private fancy schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertables [sic],” the 28-year-old female shooter wrote in a diary entry dated February 3.

    “I wish to shoot you weakass d—ks w/ your mop yellow hair, wanna kill all you little crackers! Bunch of little f—gots w/ your white privileges,” she wrote.

    This, friends, is envy. This is the writing of a person who has been inculcated with and accepted that envy is not a cardinal sin, to be guarded against and resisted, but a cardinal virtue. This manifesto is the work of someone who has bought, lock, stock and barrel, into everything the progressive movement has been shoving down student’s throats for decades. Progressivism = Marxism = Satanism. The Democrat Party is not alone, the Republican establishment has been working hand in glove with them on this. You bet your ass the Republican establishment is “troubled” by this release as the Democrats are. It is their part in the whole charade to feign opposition in public and work deals in the smoky back rooms and bathhouses in and around Washington DC. You can bet your last dollar the FBI and DOJ were aware and let this go down. They were looking to exploit it to advance Deep State interests and unfortunately for them, fortunately for us, the individual they had as point person was being candid in their journals and manifesto.

  10. … and the first person the worthless See You Next Tuesday killed was the BLACK janitor. Totally innocent man, totally consistent with increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death. The progressive movement exists solely to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. Their words are meant to deceive, Satan is a liar, a murderer and a thief. Everything that went down is according to Satan’s wishes. The local and federal authorities are hiding the manifesto they are doing it to please the one they serve. There really isn’t any more to it.

  11. As a native, this mayor is just the latest in Nashville’s long and tragic slide into liberal oblivion. The reaction to this event from start to finish has been entirely motivated by a desire to obscure the shooters’ motives and use it to further an agenda. The mayor is just a boot-licking toadie to his federal overlords.


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