Biden Family Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski Issues Challenge: ‘Hunter, Jim, Joe & I Should Testify before Congress, Publicly & Under Oath’ – IOTW Report

Biden Family Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski Issues Challenge: ‘Hunter, Jim, Joe & I Should Testify before Congress, Publicly & Under Oath’

Slay: Hunter Biden’s former business partner-turned-whistleblower Tony Bobulinski has issued a challenge to the Democrat president and his family.

Bobulinski is a Navy veteran who worked with Hunter and his uncle Jim – Joe Biden’s brother – on a deal to invest in China in 2017.

In 2020, Bobulinski confirmed emails from Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop that indicated that Hunter Biden was holding ten percent of the profits from shady foreign deals for a mystery partner known only as “the big guy.”

Many believed that “the big guy” was a reference to Joe Biden.

Bobulinski produced a May 2017 email detailing a proposed equity split for a Chinese investment.

That email included the suggestion of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy.”

Bobulinski has confirmed that “the big guy” was a reference regularly used for Joe Biden, who served as Obama’s vice president until January 2017. MORE

7 Comments on Biden Family Whistleblower Tony Bobulinski Issues Challenge: ‘Hunter, Jim, Joe & I Should Testify before Congress, Publicly & Under Oath’

  1. What makes Mr. Bobulinski think that “testifying under oath” would mean a damned thing to Joe, Jim, and/or Hunter?

    They are Traitors, Criminals, Grifters, Thieves, Liars, extremely corrupt, and have the Media AND the DOJ behind them!
    Who would prosecute them for lying under oath?

    Oaths mean less than nothing to the liars and traitors in the FBI, the DOJ, the White Hut, the Legislature, and the Supreme Court.

    So, good luck with that!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. That would at least be fun to watch. Jim Jordan and company asking real questions and doing their customary telling off.
    Of course nothing would happen to the Bidens but it would be entertaining.

  3. Tony Bobulinski knew what the gig was, he questioned business practices, why did he turn Humper and Pedo Joe in then? Whistleblower when the hands been caught in the cookie jar? I bet there’s many lips that can talk right now, to save their butt. I think Bobulinski is a well spoken man, and if allowed, bury Humper and Pedo Joe.

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