“From the River to the Sea,” House Censures Tlaib – IOTW Report

“From the River to the Sea,” House Censures Tlaib

nbc news

House lawmakers on Tuesday censured Rep. Rashida Tlaib, the sole Palestinian American in Congress, over her remarks and actions in response to the Israel-Hamas war.

The censure resolution, authored by Rep. Rich McCormick, R-Ga., passed 234 to 188, with 22 Democrats voting for it and four Republicans opposing the measure. A censure vote only requires a simple majority to pass. More

23 Comments on “From the River to the Sea,” House Censures Tlaib

  1. River to the sea… perhaps that is a reference to the Potomac to the Atlantic needs purifing.

    Good that they have “called out” the radical. Everybody got a dose of theatrics. Now get back to work!

  2. “While the censure of a lawmaker carries no practical effect, it amounts to a severe reproach from colleagues, as lawmakers who are censured are asked to stand in the well of the House as the censure resolution against them is read aloud.”

    Get that? Carries no special effect. You think a muzzie cares that they’re censured? Heck, she’d cut off a babies head and not give to sheets about it.

  3. Censured? Here’s what should happen to that MFr:
    Take away her salary.
    Take away her office.
    Put her ample bottom on a plane and send her packing to Gaza.
    Make sure to take her baggage, Omar, Pressly, Bush, Bowman, AOC, & etc, as well.

  4. I still say airship her via Air Force cargo plane to Gaza to provide humanitarian aid by pushing her out the back like crate without a parachute to land on a crowd of HAMAS killing them and thusly saving lives of many others.

  5. I’m sure she’ll milk it for all the victimhood sympathy she can get for being a fan of Muslim terrorist. Still, it puts her on a level with Adam Schiff and that’s got to be humiliating.

  6. Found it. here are the Republicans who voted against censuring her:

    Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado
    Rep. John Duarte of California
    Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky
    Rep. Tom McClintock of California

  7. As a former resident of Michigan and one having lived within 40 or 50 miles from her district, I can say with authority that she absolutely represents the sentiment and interests of her constituents.

    Her district is close to if not in fact, a no-go zone.

  8. We conservative patriots have got to learn a lesson from the Left; namely: never let a good crisis go to waste.

    By her own words, Tlaib has done for the Right something they could never do on their own without themselves looking like barbaric bigots. I say, keep on talking Tlaib! You go, girl! Tell us all about the maniacal hatred Islam — and you among their number — has for American Jews.

  9. Tlaib would just be another Muslim baby incubator until it was time for her to serve as a human shield or suicide bomber if she still lived in her original shithole.

    Funny how twats like her and Ilhan, once raised to power here, forget that.

  10. @ Two Washingtonians, 4th district: Dan Newhouse (R)
    5th district: Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R) absolutely would have joined them if they weren’t on thin ice with their constituents already. I guarandamntee it.

  11. @Tony R: The 4 Republicans who voted not to censure the muzzie: Ken Buck of Colorado, John Duarte of California, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Tom McClintock of California.

    I’m surprised that Tom McClintock voted the way he did. I voted for him when he was our Rep for our district a few years back.

  12. Billy Dos Cuchillos, running with your comment, channeling a previous president. There are only Americans in congress. There ought be NO hyphenated Americans anywhere in this land, and clearly, since palestine has never been a state, the Tlaib creature is calling herself out as not an American, she said it, she’s palestinian, not American. Shit can the evil ginch for that if nothing else.


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