How Original – Hillary Clinton Compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler – IOTW Report

How Original – Hillary Clinton Compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler


Hillary Clinton has made a direct comparison between Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler as she claimed the former president winning in 2024 would lead to ‘almost unimaginable wreckage’ for America.

She drew parallels between how the Nazi leader became a dictator and what she claimed were Trump’s ‘dictatorial, authoritarian tendencies’ which would lead to the ‘end of our country as we know it’.

During an appearance on The View, Clinton accused Trump of wanting to throw opponents in jail and shut down a free press if he regains the White House.


This is exactly what the left is doing.

17 Comments on How Original – Hillary Clinton Compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler

  1. The woman who engineered a fake dossier to try to get her political opponent arrested.
    Who thinks anyone not supporting her needs to go to reeducation camps.
    Who thinks it takes a village (govt) to raise children.
    Who has left a trail of bodies.
    That woman compares Trump to Hitler? That’s rich.

  2. One of my favorite moments of confronting my “most lefty” friend was on the dock of our sailing club. BTW, I never confronted him without an audience since I realized he just changes his answers to deny what he said before I gave him an undeniable truth.

    He once casually referred to conservatives as “right wing Nazis” while we were lounging at our fleet’s dock area.

    Me: ‘What do you mean by “right wing Nazis”?

    Him: “You know, “Nazis… right wing”.” And shrugged his shoulders like it was a common truth I should know.

    Me: ‘What is right wing about Nazis? Do you know what Nazi is short for?’ National Socialist German Workers’ Party What, exactly, is “right wing” about that? That describes YOUR party.

    Stunned silence. (He claims to have an exceedingly high IQ despite my proving otherwise over the years. Beat him in 4 moves in chess the first time we played and dominated him completely every year we sailed against each other) His Bi-polarism be like that.

    Then I proceeded to list 6 other likenesses of the Nazis to the current Dem party before he started saying – alright, alright, alright, alright, alright…

    My work was done and the 4 witnesses knew what was what.

    Without witnesses it’s pointless.

    The American Dem party IS the modern Nazi party.

  3. That’s assuming her party will leave anything of America left to wreck or destroy!

    Methinks they’re well on their way to taking down anything decent, loving, or good about our country and it’s people and do not need Trump’s help. So?

  4. Old news, it has been known for years he keeps a copy of Mein Kampf in his nightstand by his bed for reading to have dreams of conquering the world when he doses off. Along with Vlad & Kimmy just one of dreams to be just like what they have.

  5. A reminder that Mike Godwin, the creator of ‘Godwin’s Law’, said that it is okay to discuss Trump – and only Trump – in relation to Hitler.
    Which of course says much more about Godwin than about Trump.

  6. At the outset of Operation Barbarossa many Russians said: “Now Russia will have TRUE socialism!”
    (most were later killed in the war or executed by Stalin)

    USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
    NSDAP (Nazi) – National Socialist German Workers’ Party.

    Gee, there seems to be a common theme, there …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Let’s scare the unholy crap out of Hellary.

    Trump announced that an investigation revealed that:

    Hellary is Jewish….her real last name is Rothman
    Hellary is a Bolshevist and has been since birth
    Hellary is an official Commissar for the CP USA and the RCP USA
    As a college student, Hellary had a giant poster of Stalin on the wall of her dorm
    She told Bill Clinton to shave off his toothbrush mustache before she agreed to date him
    Hellary hates Alsatian dogs
    If elected again, Trump will force Hellary to wear a yellow star on her coat
    Trump will co-opt the SS emblem to use for his Presidental Campaign

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