100 Years Ago; Hitler’s Putsch Goes Kaput – IOTW Report

100 Years Ago; Hitler’s Putsch Goes Kaput

History Extra

On 8 November 1923, Adolf Hitler strode into a beer hall [in Munich], jumped on to a chair, and fired a single bullet into the ceiling.

“The National Revolution has begun,” he bellowed to his startled audience. “The hall is under the control of 600 heavily armed men. No one is allowed to leave.” More and Here

A recent presentation at the Pershing Lecture Series that has very good background on the key players and events leading up to the Beer Hall Putsch. Watch (Note: I suggest skipping the Q&A segment at the end).

9 Comments on 100 Years Ago; Hitler’s Putsch Goes Kaput

  1. Goering suffered a painful groin injury during the putsch from a Munich policeman’s bullet. He needed drugs to deaden the pain and became a morphine addict, finally forced off drugs so he could face the Nuremburg Trail. No matter, a deathly powerful drug was provided to him before his scheduled hanging and he took it. Better than facing the US Army hangman, who botched the executions possibly on purpose. The hanged men did not die instantly of broken necks, but most suffocated for several minutes. It took 18 minutes of strangulation before FM Keitel succumbed. A bad mark against the US Army. Not even the most degraded condemned people should suffer like that.

  2. Imagine this, Hitler and his pals were carrying illegally. Like criminals always do.

    “In order to comply with the Versailles Treaty, in 1919 the German government passed the Regulations on Weapons Ownership, which declared that “all firearms, as well as all kinds of firearms ammunition, are to be surrendered immediately.”[6] ”

  3. “When der Fuehrer says we is de master race
    We heil, heil right in der Fuehrer’s face
    Not to love der Fuehrer is a great disgrace
    So we heil, heil right in der Fuehrer’s face

    When Herr Goebbels says we own the world and space
    We heil, heil ight in Herr Goebbels’ face
    When Herr Goring says, they’ll never bomb this place
    We heil, heil right in Herr Goring’s face

    Are we not the Supermen?
    Aryan pure Supermen?
    Ja, we are the Supermen
    (Super duper Supermen)

    Is this Nutsy land so good?
    Would you leave it if you could?
    Ja, this Nutsy land is good
    We would leave it if we could

    We bring the world to order
    Heil Hitler’s world to order
    Everyone of foreign race will love der Fuehrer’s face
    When we bring to the world disorder

    When der Fuehrer says we is de master race
    We heil, heil right in der Fuehrer’s face
    Not to love der Fuehrer is a great disgrace
    So we heil, heil right in der Fuehrer’s face

    When der Fuehrer says we is de master race
    We heil, heil right in der Fuehrer’s face
    Not to love der Fuehrer is a great disgrace
    So we heil, heil right in der Fuehrer’s face”

    ~ Spike Jones w/ help from Disney … when they weren’t Anti- America


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