Study: Chicago, Illinois Most Corrupt City – IOTW Report

Study: Chicago, Illinois Most Corrupt City

(The Center Square) – For the fourth year in a row, Chicago ranks as the country’s most corrupt city. Illinois stands as the third-most corrupt state in a University of Illinois at Chicago study.

To arrive at the findings, researchers analyzed 2021 public corruption statistics compiled by the U.S. Department of Justice. In all, there were 32 public corruption convictions in the Northern District of Illinois that includes Chicago in 2021, nearly a 33% increase from the 22 convictions that were reported the year before.

State Rep. Dan Ugaste, R-Geneva, isn’t surprised.

“It’s an awful shame, and goes to show you what happens when we have one party controlling everything,” Ugaste told The Center Square. “It gets to people, and they think they can do as they please instead of doing what is required of them under the law and required of them ethically.”

A solution to the long-running problem doesn’t have to be that difficult, Ugaste said. more

22 Comments on Study: Chicago, Illinois Most Corrupt City

  1. JB Pritzker has destroyed the state of Illinois, dumb shits voted him in twice. JB was from California, educated in the communist mindset. He moved to Illinois, forced mask wearing, brought in no-bail, gave Shitcago teachers union the ability to change laws, terrorized our police force and that doesn’t even cover the stuff the news outlet won’t even say. Illinois will vote in anyone that is a demoncrat, even Satan itself

  2. FTA: Chicago: A City in Freefall

    Water Tower Place, an eight-story, 758,000 sq. ft. high-end shopping mall in downtown Chicago, is in the news.
    Once one of the biggest and most exciting malls in the Midwest, it quietly leaked that the owners are interested in renting out the top five of its eight floors “for purposes other than retail.”
    Not just wealthy shoppers, but even browsing tourists, too, it seems, are staying away in droves.
    Chicago could support such a luxury mall once. The Magnificent Mile was a thrilling destination for generations. What happened to Chicago’s iconic Michigan Boulevard? Or to back up even farther — what happened to Chicago?
    The Second City. The Biggest Airport in the World. The City of Big Shoulders. Hog Butcher to the World.
    Back when it was The City That Worked, Chicago had a lot of nicknames, and for good reason, before we lost them, one by one. We were known as a global corporate center, a transportation hub, a theatre district second only to New York, a restaurant destination second to none.
    Back when it was The City That Worked, Chicago had a lot of nicknames, and for good reason, before we lost them, one by one. We were known as a global corporate center, a transportation hub, a theatre district second only to New York, a restaurant destination second to none.

    Now… it’s a Shit-hole. A run-down, shot-up, burned-out, poverty-stricken, crime-ridden, rat-infested, Bum-piss-soaked, feces-friendly Shit-Hole – Thanks to the policies of just ONE party: The Bastard-Ass democRATz!

  3. Cmn¢¢guy – So these states are the worst because more folks have been CONVICTED of crimes. That in NO WAY says that the others are better…but could just mean that more folks are getting AWAY WITH more corruption. Not a great indicator. I mean look at the myriad of crimes from Obama, Hillary, Biden, (and thousands of others Garland and Co. refuse to prosecute). Would we say that the democrats are the least corrupt party simply because their own prosecutors ONLY go after the republicans (and for petty stuff)?

  4. It get even better………
    “President Biden issued the first United States Strategy on Countering Corruption”
    The most corrupt administration ever, is going investigate corruption. What are the chances it will be used to quash the truth.

  5. Chicago and Illinois hasn’t changed since Elder Mayor Daley and $10’s of thousands of cash where found in Secretary of State Paul Powell’s Apartment upon his death.

    Not to mention, Four of the past 10 former Illinois governors are among the public officials who have been convicted and sentenced to prison for corruption.

  6. Corrupt since it’s inception. The level of Uniparty corruption in our society is staggering and Shitcongo pales in comparison to DC.

    I believe we are well beyond the tipping point but perhaps since it has always been this way and the country will survive.

    I’m not optimistic.

  7. Corruption in our Federal government, federal agencies, states, counties, townships and cities have all contributed to the $34 TRILLION Nationl Debt.

    At all levels of government many elected and appointed “officials” have broken their faith with our citizens and ignored their oath of office.

    Isaiah 56:11
    Yes, they are greedy dogs Which never have enough. And they are shepherds Who cannot understand; They all look to their own way, Every one for his own gain, From his own territory.

  8. The scary part is that there used to be collar counties and downstate where it was Republican when that still meant something.

    Like exodus from CA destroying other states we have the animals / demonrats fleeing out to these areas now and surprise, surprise demonrats being elected to local and state positions. We’re F’ed bigtime. Occasionally you might get a sheriff elected that will stand with arresting those he should and refusing to follow anti 2nd amentment laws that get passed.

    Unable to flee to another state at this point in time and basically in a gated community where no feral animals can get in (yet). And even those who might not be armed know that that crazy Anymouse is always carrying. Way too many Old Folks living there and pretty sure only my daughter and SIL are the only others carrying. They took my second (cigar house) and now I only have the one I’m living in.


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