The Concept of Being Late is White Oppression and Bigotry – IOTW Report

The Concept of Being Late is White Oppression and Bigotry

Being purposely late is rude, uncaring, narcissistic, lazy, and immature whether you’re white or black.

38 Comments on The Concept of Being Late is White Oppression and Bigotry

  1. Have you heard the latest from the eternally offended? Gyms and fitness centers. Apparently it hurts fat peoples feeling that some people work out to lose weight and gain muscle. So now they burn a few extra calories by picketing such places.

  2. Anyone who is habitually late is not worthy of my time. It is a function of narcissism and a power move. It is a stunt that they pull to set the pecking order in a relationship and I don’t play stupid games with people whose moral compass is compromised in that fashion.

  3. She married a white guy!
    There are two reasons for doing the grievance thing:
    Laziness – you are willing to sacrifice joy in your life, in the hope of getting some handouts. But you lead a miserable life. By choice.
    Profit – limited to a few, like Sharpton, Talcum X, Ibram X Kendi.

  4. I’ve always heard most blacks operate on CPT and they don’t care if they are late.

    I’ve always been the one who shows up early for anything. I’ve pissed off friends who asked for a ride or told me to meet them for lunch. If they are running more than ten minutes late for a ride or fifteen to meet for lunch, see ya. They never did it again, I will say that.

  5. “The Concept of Being Late is White Oppression and Bigotry”

    What about the concept of being a liberal, commie fucking jerk??

    Although I’m sure that’s not allowed in today’s conversations.

  6. Personally, I don’t believe her. I don’t see any reason to believe even her personal anecdotes. People in her line of line of work have zero credibility with me.

    And as far as the idea of “whiteness” is concerned, it is simply the new way of saying “bourgeois.” Everything the Left ascribed to the hated “bourgeoise” are exactly the same things they now ascribe to “whiteness.” It’s just rehashed Marxist bullshit.

  7. That is so dumb, Professor Lamo! I mean it’s like looking into the face of crazy. To think that being late is a cultural thing is beyond the pale. You might want to seek out professional help. When everything is about race, then nothing is about race. Pick your battles so that you don’t become irrelevant.

  8. Wisconsin: Lombardi Time!

    Well, wastrels, if you want to ne accepted by normal people you have to act…..wait for it…. normal. This requires consideration to others and respecting their time, as well as keeping your word, a part of the social contract. If you can’t do the “little things,” then why should you be trusted on the bigger things.

    BTW – didn’t Elsie the Borden cow have that odd ring thing going on too?

  9. Couldn’t make it past 16 seconds. As soon as she basically said all white people are racist and the words, “social justice”, I knew this woman is a con artist.
    What if some chubby white woman went to your job to tell you how racist black people are?
    This kind of idiocy is too much and only meant to divide.
    She’s a toll of evil.

  10. I suppose by her “logic”, shoplifting laws are racist too. And going to the back of the line instead of cutting in front? And how about just accepting your traffic citation instead of running your mouth and making a scene? I could go on all day.

  11. Which is why places like Haiti and South Africa are such garden spots. Because people there aren’t oppressed by these oppressive tools of time structuring

    Thats why the rest of the envious world is forced to cope by calling these places “shitholes”

  12. us stupid white people have been taught from the cradle that “five minutes early” is on time…..”people of color,” not so much…they get their own POC time, fer some reason…..

  13. When I was in the telco you’d get 1 week on the street the first tardy, then 2 weeks, then fired. Unless you were a negro. They changed his in-time to 8:30, and guess what? He was STILL late.

    He became a supervisor.

  14. Even before I joined the military, it was drummed into me by my Marine father; “Better an hour early than a minute late.”
    My current boss’ favorite expression is, “If you ain’t early, you’re late.”
    I really don’t know how some people function in real life if they think they can waltz in at whatever time for a scheduled event.


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