Biden Gets Confused Again – IOTW Report

Biden Gets Confused Again

GP: Joe and Jill Biden on Saturday participated in a wreath-laying ceremony on the centennial anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery.

Biden got lost again after he laid the wreath on a stand. He shuffled back and forth and had to be told where to go.

20 Comments on Biden Gets Confused Again

  1. That disgraceful fraud befouls the memory of every honorable soldier, sailor, marine and airman with his very existence. He is a living insult to the very Nation in whose service they were sacrificed, he profanes that sacred place with the stink of every footfall of his perverted, bizarrely shod feet.

    The pedophile excrement that frauded his way to an illegitimate residency in the White House is the antithesis of what those men bled and died for. If he had a shred of decency or dignity or even self-awareness, he’d know he could best honor them by committing suicide in a way that removes the whore he frauded in with as well. Nothing short of his death could even BEGIN to atone for the stain he’s placed on the history of this Nation and its military.

    Get you gone, pedophile.

    Go somewhere and die screaming, and leave the rest of us to remember our dead in peace.

  2. In the spirit of Biden, I’m gonna make this all about me, lol. Yesterday I spent 9 hours laying a floor and the last board needed to fit into the transition mold and around the door trim. My brain was fried and my body was spent after getting up and down all day long. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to make the required cuts on the last board and I just sat there staring at it. Then it hit me, I know how Biden feels ALL THE TIME. Unlike Biden though, I eventually figured it out without any help.

  3. The Goddamned old fool has been so confused he wasn’t sure if he was afoot or on horseback the last decade. It would be irrational to expect coherence out if the doddering idiot at any time.

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