How About Right Answers? – IOTW Report

How About Right Answers?

41 Comments on How About Right Answers?

  1. Mongolian slow cooker/Dutch oven. Hot rocks in sheep stomach. A technique to remember for post-apocalypse living. They also cook woodchuck by tying off the orifices and tossing it, offal still inside, in a bed of coals.

  2. Marmots are called rock chucks. We have these darn things everywhere in this part of the country. In fact, underneath a railroad viaduct there is a giant painted mural of a rock chuck. Whatever that thing is it looks like a gross Chinese delicacy of some sort. I thought that they were pulling baluts out of it at first.

  3. I don’t wanna know what it is.
    All I know is that the chef forget to remove the panties after chopping off the legs

  4. My brother once again was caught by mom when she saw him and a Chicano friend, we called Super Spic (hey it was the early 70’s and you could still say Spic) back then trying to bring a rock chuck home on an improvised leash using his belt tied around its neck to lead it. My mom saw him coming and yelled at him “Get rid of that damned thing now” so they had to let it go.

  5. Sexy.

    John Steinbeck wrote about a one-legged whore and Robert Crumb drew a devil woman with her head stuffed down inside; but, butt, a bodyless cootch? Now THAT’s just magical.


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