Our Presidunce – IOTW Report

Our Presidunce

15 Comments on Our Presidunce

  1. He can’t so better because he’s a fraud.

    They probably took his watch so he wouldn’t check it.

    But he’s not an embarrassment, he’s a disgrace.

    A testament to the fact that there is no dishonor that this nation will not tolerate, not even this blasphemy of a “man” profaning this most hallowed of ground.

    He is, ever has been, and ever shall be a tool of Satan, and all men know it, so nothing he does can be said to be a surprise.

    Shame on US that we continue to allow it.

  2. The Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey posing as President of the United States is absolute proof that the election was fraudulent – an act of Treason perpetrated by demonrats with the complicity of the RINOs and the concurrence of the courts.

    The disgrace is that we allow this charade to continue.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Anybody heard about what EMP weapons can do? Apparently, Biden has. Check this out (from the Washington Times, 9/06/2023):

    “…also revealed China‘s development of a mobile, suitcase-sized directed energy weapon. The microwave active denial system was developed by the Chinese firm CETC International Co. Ltd. CETC was among the companies sanctioned by the Biden administration for its support of the Chinese military’s balloon surveillance program….”

    “China could use its balloon fleet in the future to conduct strategic EMP attacks against the United States.“

    This absolute traitor, enemy (and others) have to be dealt with before Our Country has been totally destroyed!


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