Illegals Escape New York and Chicago (and Winter) By Returning Home – IOTW Report

Illegals Escape New York and Chicago (and Winter) By Returning Home

Front Page Mag

Democrat policies may have attracted millions to America with their open borders, but once those migrants get a taste of life under the American version of socialist banana republics, they’re turning around and going home. More

Fox News has a take on the story as well. Here

11 Comments on Illegals Escape New York and Chicago (and Winter) By Returning Home

  1. Self deportation is best, especially when they go home & convince La Familia & Vecinos that The democrats lied & the trip is not worth the trouble.
    Did squatters take over your hovel while you were gone? TFB.
    Just read that out of 140k unwelcome invaders, only about 2% have signed up for work.

  2. We saw a bunch of them today in Springfield. They were covered with neck and face tats, 100 children, all on welfare. They are no better than field mice. All freeloading terrorists. They should all get a last cigarette and a fucking .308.


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