Oberlin Under Federal Investigation for Jew Hatred – IOTW Report

Oberlin Under Federal Investigation for Jew Hatred

Legal Insurrection

After years of fighting antisemitism at her alma mater, Oberlin College graduate Melissa Landa has finally had a breakthrough. In September, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) announced it is investigating the charges she filed against the school back in 2019.

Thanks to a Trump-era executive order, the OCR probe could cost the school millions of dollars in federal funding. More

10 Comments on Oberlin Under Federal Investigation for Jew Hatred

  1. I had been posting for a decade right here that if you go on any of the prog websites the blatant anti Semitism was open and pervasive. It still is and has gotten even more virulent.

  2. LCD – Aaaaaaaaaaaannnnd NO ONE got fired!!
    Just the cost of doing the Leftist business of pushing a radical agenda!!
    Just like the Duke situation where the four boys collected something close to 100 Mil for their ordeal of 88 “perfessers” SIGNING THEIR NAMES to a document that set them up as judge, jury and executioners without so much as a crumb of evidence or a trial and NO ONE gets fired!! I’ll guarandamntee you that if I cost the company I worked for so much as $1,000 judgement I’d be gone in a day or less!! The fuckers are immune to real justice!!

  3. Itz beyond my comprehension that Liberals can’t see past their own stark, raving hypocrisy! They are the first ones to tell us how inclusive and tolerent they are… except when it comes to White people in general, “Uncle Toms” who don’t subscribe to the their bullshit, Conservatives, women who just want to be women who don’t want to be molested by men pretending to be women and of course those nasty, oppressive Jooz!!
    They absolutely REEK of hypocrisy and they can’t smell it!!

  4. “Itz beyond my comprehension that Liberals can’t see past their own stark, raving hypocrisy!”

    Then they wouldn’t be libtards. They live in a fantasy world. They lie with every breath to maintain that fantasy. These are the people that think men can be women and vice versa.

  5. MX – We’ve got one of Oberlin’s products living next door to us. It only took a year and a half for them to turn an otherwise normal young man into “Candace”.

  6. Cleveburg here – We saw a few BLM signs in Bay village. Sure sign of a screaming Liberal Hypocrite… however for some strange reason planting a “Gun Free Zone” sign in their front yard only lasts until the morning when they find it!
    🤣 🤣 🤣


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