Hiker Missing Since August Found Dead – His Faithful Dog By His Side is Alive – IOTW Report

Hiker Missing Since August Found Dead – His Faithful Dog By His Side is Alive


A 71-year-old hiker missing since August has been found dead in the Colorado mountains with his loyal dog, who miraculously survived two months in the wilderness, by his side. 

Rich Moore and his white Jack Russell, Finney, had set out for a hike on August 19 to Blackhead Peak, located in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. The missing man’s body was discovered by a local hunter on October 30 in the Lower Blanco drainage basin.

The hiking route to Blackhead’s 12,500-foot summit is approximately three miles with an elevation gain of 2,500 feet. The road to the peak is described as ‘rough, rocky, and steep, but the last stretch is an unmaintained ‘social trail, The Mercury News reported.

The day after Moore’s body was found, members from the Archuleta County Sheriff’s Office and search and rescue were flown into the area to recover the victim. 

Moore’s loyal dog, who miraculously survived, was transported to a local veterinary hospital, and was later reunited with her family.

Moore’s cause of death has not been disclosed, but authorities said that foul play was not suspected, The Denzer Gazette reported.


22 Comments on Hiker Missing Since August Found Dead – His Faithful Dog By His Side is Alive

  1. I watched A Boy And His Dog in San Diego in the mid 70’s at a Midnight movie event on a Saturday night. That was one strange dystopic movie, all I remember is that they guy that played Hank Kimball on Green Acres was in it and of course Don Johnson. It still wasn’t as bad as that stinker of Sean Connery’s worst movie ever Zardoz or A Clockwork Orange.

  2. geoff the aardvark, Clockwork was pretty bad, but the first time I watched THX 1138 I thought it was pretty bad. Then 1138 grew on me and I could only bear watching Clockwork twice.

    “Is is as bad as I remember it?”

    “For damn sure!”

  3. Yeah, did the dog have a fat belly and some meat was missing from his body?

    I’m sure my cat will be fat if they find me a week after I die. Not sure about my dog. Could go either way with him.


    Not at all uncommon FOR DOGS

    I’vowned 8 bird dogs and most were this loyal.

    Old Brit saying ” … man’s bestfriend…” Was true 500 years ago. Will be true in 2525.

  5. Don’t worry Brad, I have had three Jacks (all dead now from old age) they are hunters. The dog fed himself by catching whatever small game and rodents were around. I loved mine dearly but unless you like mayhem don’t get a Jack Russel.

  6. Zardoz-fabulous
    A Boy and his Dog-OK
    A Clockwork Orange-first time I saw it I was on 3000 mics of Purple Owsley-my wife at the time went screaming out of the theatre-she did it again when the cab pulled up to our apartment building.
    Bone Tomahawk-also fabulous-I think Kurt still had his hair from The Hateful Eight and needed another movie to use it in.
    The Hateful Eight-fabulous as well

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