As If You Needed Another Reason to Think She is Vile – IOTW Report

As If You Needed Another Reason to Think She is Vile

30 Comments on As If You Needed Another Reason to Think She is Vile

  1. She’s a Hillary homunculus. All the people she interacts with secretly detest her, but they’re aftaid to say so.

    Also a little like Anthony Fremont, without the powers.

  2. Will Twitter kick me off if I went over there and told her because she’s breathing is proof enough there is a Satan. The She-Devil was hatched not far from where I live.

  3. on whose shoulders Tuesday, 14 November 2023, 8:16 at 8:16 am

    a person unknown to me. What’s her significance?

    There’s nothing significant about her other than she’s a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple ****** eater. Did you know she had a twin sister? Yep, there’s two of those creatures roaming this planet – among millions just like’em. God gave her over to the other side, she’s not material suited for heaven.

  4. WTF was so funny that kept that ass on the right in stitches?
    Or is she just some paid stooge to laugh at the antics of the thing?

    Some pathetic fool babbling about its personal problems isn’t funny.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. 1) She’s looking more like a boy every day. 2) This happened in women’s soccer, so no one witnessed it and if it hadn’t happened to someone as loud-mouthed as Rapinoe, no one would have heard about it.

    This is the way her career ends, not with a bang but a whimper.

  6. For what it’s worth, I think she’s in Satan’s orbit. And I really don’t think God loves her OR Satan.

    (geoff the aardvark: If you were God, would YOU love the BEOTCH?)

  7. @ geoff the aardvark TUESDAY, 14 NOVEMBER 2023, 8:40 AT 8:40 AM

    It’s proof she envies God. That’s all it reveals. They resent that God has power they don’t, but feel unfairly heated out of.

  8. No, I didn’t need anymore reasons. She should do her rehab in Gaze. At least they won’t throw her off of a tall building…. because there aren’t any tall buildings in Gaza now.

    Ugly person inside and out.

  9. Schadenfreude aside, since none of us knows God’s plans, we probably should take a breath and see what develops. She/it is obviously very emotionally damaged, but some of us need to get to bottom before coming to the Lord.

  10. Rapinoe proves with that statement she’s a fool.

    “The fool says in his heart,
    “There is no God.”
    They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.” – The Holy Bible, Psalm 14:1 (NIV)

  11. Romans 5:8 while we were yet sinners, christ died for us all,
    there is hope for all even rapino even me I think it was cs lewis who said we will be surprised who made it to heaven and also who didn’t make it.


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