Hamas Proposes Hostage Swap for Five Day Cease-Fire – IOTW Report

Hamas Proposes Hostage Swap for Five Day Cease-Fire


The armed wing of the Palestinian militant group Hamas said on Monday it told Qatari mediators the group was ready to release up to 70 women and children held in Gaza in return for a five-day truce with Israel.

“Last week there was an effort from the Qatari brothers to release the enemy captives from women and children, in return for the release of 200 Palestinian children and 75 women detained by the enemy” Abu Ubaida, the spokesman for the armed wing of Hamas, al-Qassam Brigades, said in an audio recording posted on the group’s Telegram channel. More

14 Comments on Hamas Proposes Hostage Swap for Five Day Cease-Fire

  1. They won’t release all of them??? They have no excuse for holding a single one, yet insist on only releasing some. A truce means you are cleaning things up. This is just them reloading.

  2. That’s right, now that Israel has the upper hand we have to order a cease fire.
    If Israel had anything balls, it’s time to destroy the enemy.
    G-d didn’t say go in and negotiate a truce, He said go in and annihilate your enemy and G-d will lead. They are not going to win until Megiddo at the battle of Armageddon when they finally wake up and say the demoncrats were wrong.

  3. NO!! Tell the Hamas animals they are to release all of the hostages, surrender all of their weapons, and turn themselves in to be judged (and those who murdered non-combatants – our definition, not the Islamic definition – are to be hung from the neck by ropes slathered with bacon grease).

  4. Tell them the cease-fire is predicated on them releasing the hostages first. After the hostages are released, NO CEASE FIRE. Tell them it was Taqquia. they are lying scum, give them a taste of their own medicine.


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