Daily Wire Infighting – Owens versus Shapiro – IOTW Report

Daily Wire Infighting – Owens versus Shapiro

10 Comments on Daily Wire Infighting – Owens versus Shapiro

  1. I don’t delve deep into every pundit, but from what I have seen of these two, each is 90% accurate and often has great arguments, but each is also obtuse much of the time.
    The current argument when Owens made a statement that wasn’t quite correct – and then they started yelling at each other. I guess it draws a crowd, and pays the bills.
    Also, I think Shapiro is still a neverTrumper.

  2. United States First.
    Strategic Allies are to be supported and defended.

    The only action and words I consider disgraceful come from Hamas, other terrorist Nation States, those organizations and people who support terrorism.

  3. Shapiro ignores his own hypocrisy.
    In the not so distant past he said Israel needs no help defending herself and now he’s pushing for us to send weapons and people.
    Owens is right on this.
    White people are being killed because of skin color. They’re being denied jobs, etc.
    Not to the extent of WWII granted.


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