Still Think ‘Allahu Akbar’ Means ‘God is Great’? You Should Probably Read This – IOTW Report

Still Think ‘Allahu Akbar’ Means ‘God is Great’? You Should Probably Read This

Robert Spencer-

Conditioned by years of “religion of peace” public relations and propaganda, many still believe the scream of “Allahu akbar” — heard with increasing frequency these days — is as simple as announcing “God is Great.” But indifference towards the phrase is misplaced. Every time this cry is sounded, it’s a warning. Hear it.

Last weekend, demonstrators yelling “Allahu akbar” tried to breach the gate outside the White House. In Crown Heights in late October, a knife-wielding Muslim screamed “Heil Hitler,” “I will kill you, Jew”and yes, “Allahu akbar” at a nine-year-old Jewish boy. On New Year’s Eve in Times Square, a convert to Islam from Maine attacked three policemen with a machete while also screaming “Allahu akbar.”

This cry is particularly popular these days in modern France, where a teenage defendant recently screamed in juvenile court, “Allahu akbar, you’re all going to die together.”

Another made a series of false bomb threats against a hospital, declaring: “It’s going to blow, Allahu akbar!” A third announced to his stunned non-Muslim roommate: “You are not a Muslim, this Friday I am going to pray against you. Allahu akbar, we must eliminate the kuffar [disbelievers] like you.”

“Allahu akbar,” however, is international. At the end of October, a mob repeated it as it moved through Makhachkala airport in Dagestan, hunting for Jews who had landed there on a flight from Tel Aviv. If they had been able to catch up to the passengers, they would no doubt have slaughtered them.


16 Comments on Still Think ‘Allahu Akbar’ Means ‘God is Great’? You Should Probably Read This

  1. I am with Brad on this one…just finished up helping my daughter and her roommate get their CCA licences and bought Bodyguard 380’s for each of them (with enough ammo to last a while).

    They had ex-seals for trainers so I am feeling good about my Christmas presents.

    They were especially trained about “trigger dangerous” scenarios and “snackbar” was one of them.

  2. ^^^^

    Here’s a good one for you. We’ll call it expanding ones situational awareness. Not a lot of muzzies around here. I mean when you see one you almost want to take pictures. So I’m standing in line in Starbucks a couple years ago and in walks this female muzzie covered from head to toe. She walks in the door, walks up to the nearest available table and set down a cloth type carrying bag, flips a bitch and walks back out. There’s like ten of us in line thinking, WTF, or Oh Shit. But none of us ever left the line. She eventually reentered and sat down, but not really the point. They are a threat. I told a trainer pal of mine that story and asked him what he would have done. He laughed and said probably the exact same thing you did, until you told me that story. Now I’d split out the closest door. You can’t be too careful. And things are about to get much worse.

  3. Rag heads really otta give up on impregnating their mothers, sisters, and cousins. That inbreeding thing isn’t working. Ever wonder why raghead shooters and raghead targets are both screaming Allah Akbar at the same shootout?

  4. As crazy-eyed Ann Barnhardt pointed out a while back, “Allahu,” is a muzloid misspelling of, “Almaqah,” an earlier Moon god. “Akbar” is either the muzzy word for, “is greater,” or a type of candy.

    The Moon god is greater or the Moon god likes candy.

    – Whatever

  5. When ANY infestation is bad enough, you call the exterminator.

    France and England waited too long.

    Our gov’t maggots aren’t dumb – they are evil and corrupt – huge difference.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Actually Muslims say الله أكبر all the time. When I was studying Arabic at DLI I had one teacher who was a Kurd who said it all the time. Its equivalent. in a way to Southerners saying “Lord Have Mercy. And Akbar can mean Greater or Greatest. And yes the adjective is referring to Judaism and Christianity

    And no, Allah is not a bastardization of some Moon Goddesses name. It means THE GOD (Al Ilah) And I put the god in caps for a reason. The name itself is an emphatic statement there is only one true god, and it is the god of the Muslins. Muzzies are very emphatic about that

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