Absolutely Disgusting What Leftist Professors Have Done to American Kids – Gen Zers Support What bin Laden Did – IOTW Report

Absolutely Disgusting What Leftist Professors Have Done to American Kids – Gen Zers Support What bin Laden Did


Terror chief’s 9/11 justification wins support among pro-Palestine Americans who claim their ‘eyes have been opened’ after The Guardian linked to it.

A vile letter written by the warlord behind the 9/11 atrocities has gone viral on TikTok with users saying that reading it has led to them ‘understanding’ as to why the horrific attacks were carried out in 2001. 

Osama bin Laden, who founded terror group Al-Qaeda with the aim of waging holy war on the western world, wrote a ‘Letter to America’ in 2002 to defend the motivation behind his murderous attack on mainland America that killed thousands of innocent people.

In the viral letter, bin Laden regularly spews anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-Western viewpoints, citing one of the main reasons for 9/11 being the US support for Israel

A vile letter written by the warlord behind the 9/11 atrocities has gone viral on TikTok with users saying that reading it has led to them ‘understanding’ as to why the horrific attacks were carried out in 2001. 

Osama bin Laden, who founded terror group Al-Qaeda with the aim of waging holy war on the western world, wrote a ‘Letter to America’ in 2002 to defend the motivation behind his murderous attack on mainland America that killed thousands of innocent people.

In the viral letter, bin Laden regularly spews anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-Western viewpoints, citing one of the main reasons for 9/11 being the US support for Israel


18 Comments on Absolutely Disgusting What Leftist Professors Have Done to American Kids – Gen Zers Support What bin Laden Did

  1. I’m shocked said no one. We conservatives are being pushed to far. We’re usually calm, but being forced into a corner will awaken the beast and the world may stop spinning on its axis.

  2. But manifestos of domestic killers who were driven mad by unscrupulous Doctors and teachers are still kept secret.
    What will these libidiots do when there is an attack including them?

  3. Don’t leave out the part George Religion of Peace W Bush played in this development. If you focus on “leftists,” you falling into the trap of not seeing the forest for the trees. It is the Progressive Movement and Democrats are no more invested in progressivism and than are Neocons.

  4. “What will these libidiots do when there is an attack including them?”

    If they can, they will pretend there wasnt any attack (memory hole it )or lie about the motive or identity of the perpetrators. Like always.

  5. These people apparently don’t realize that Bin Laden and his ilk hate them and would eliminate them at the drop of a hat because (1) they are Americans; (2) most of them do not adhere to the doctrines if Islam; (3) they are women; (4) they are educated; (5) many of them are atheist – which is worse than being jewish or christian; (6) most of them support the legitimacy of sexual deviancy such as homosexuality; (7) the American lifestyle, which many of these people take for granted, is hedonistic and evil in the eyes of the “true believers.”

    Hardcases like Bin Laden are not a tolerant bunch, and they would be hard pressed to find anything worthwhile about libs.

  6. First, Cheney, the CIA, and Mossad were the masterminds behind 9-11. Second, if you are unwilling to face the complaints of those that hate you and wish you harm, then you ignore them at your own peril. What exactly did OBL cite that was untrue? Were ALL of the US actions he noted Constitutional, legal, moral, or appropriate? If another country had done all of those things to US, would we not also have been upset and wanted retribution? But most importantly, CHENEY, BUSH, RUMSFELD, the CIA, and Mossad did 9-11, not OBL.

  7. And as the highly rigged, highly partisan 9-11 Commission even pointed out, US actions in the middle east absolutely were the reason why the attacks happened…thus furthering the bogus narrative that OBL was behind the attacks, but supporting the truth that actions have consequences and so should be evaluated as to their morality, even-handedness, Constitutionality, adherence to international law and treaties, etc.

  8. John Zonk
    THURSDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 2023, 13:29 AT 1:29 PM
    ‘“What will these libidiots do when there is an attack including them?”

    Blame Trump. That’s ALL they have.’

    …nah. They can blame Whypeopo, rayyycism, “Toxic” masculinity, capitalism, America First nationalism, and “Climate Change”.

    But attacking President Trump is just a convenient way to go after all that at once.

  9. This is what becomes of not teaching History in the public schools!
    “Those who don’t learn their History are doomed to repeat it”
    Here we go again!!

    “Never again” only lasted 77 years…
    Maybe by the time this generation is fifty they will finally learn the horrors of their indocrination!!

  10. Harry Eyeball
    THURSDAY, 16 NOVEMBER 2023, 17:48 AT 5:48 PM
    “This is what becomes of not teaching History in the public schools!”

    As intended.

    “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
    -George Orwell, “1984”

  11. As to history in the public schools, remember, the GOVERNMENT controls the government monopoly/public schools, so the ONLY history taught there will be what THEY approve of. And THEY pulled off 9-11, so what sort of history/truth do you think they will be teaching. Likely the same “history” that said that FDR had “no idea” about Pearl Harbor, etc…..


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