Canada: Dr. Mark Trozzi found guilty of professional misconduct after speaking out against COVID-19 vaccines and mandates – IOTW Report

Canada: Dr. Mark Trozzi found guilty of professional misconduct after speaking out against COVID-19 vaccines and mandates

Natural News: The Ontario Physicians and Surgeons Discipline Tribunal (OPSDT) has found Canadian trauma physician Mark Trozzi guilty of professional misconduct for his vocal dissent toward Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccinations and mandates

The OPSDT’s Oct. 6 decision said Trozzi failed to meet the standard of practice in the medical profession about COVID-19 vaccinations and mandates. It referenced statements he made on his social media profiles and on his official websites, alongside his interviews – which the tribunal labeled as “misinformation.”

The OPSDT also labeled the physician as “incompetent” for issuing medical exemptions from COVID-19 vaccines. As a result, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario – the OPSDT’s parent entity – is seeking to permanently revoke his medical license.

“We already have a decision against us at the [CPSO], but we expected it, so we are playing the long game,” said Trozzi’s lawyer Michael Alexander. He added that he and his client lodged an appeal to the court system in response to the decision. Alexander argued that the case against Trozzi is an attack on freedom of speech. more

13 Comments on Canada: Dr. Mark Trozzi found guilty of professional misconduct after speaking out against COVID-19 vaccines and mandates

  1. Doctirs, you can be a good little shill and lend your name to mass murder in exchange for your 30 pieces of silver, or you can be true to your Oath and not have to explain your participation in political genocide to the Lord.

    Thank God more are choosing the latter.

  2. Whut Erik said!
    By now most of the entire world is in agreement that the vaccines were damaging and the mandates accomplished nothing, but here’s Canadia walking around with their foot stuck in the waste basket and a big collective tit in the wringer saying it’s all good!!

  3. Oh Canada
    Home of the Bland
    Spread your milqtoast woketard cowardice
    Throughout your cold ass land

    Oh Canada
    May you always get so high
    While the rest of North America watchs you swirl the drain and can only sigh

    Beer and Doughnuts you do well
    While you country goes to hell

    Oh Canada
    Fly your Maple Leaf
    While you country flies of a cliff and your leaders are all queefs…

  4. I Regularly shit on the losers running this JOKE of a nation, but I have to ask a few people on this thread, “Who exactly have you dragged out onto the streets Eric & Harry?”

    Our Walmarts, Pharmacies, and Discount Stores HAVE NOT been Burned to the ground yet. (I know, YET)

    That F#@Ker Gates is literally buying up FARMLAND & Shuddering it. Has anyone even tried to slow him?

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