Moron Continues to Think He is Charming – He is a Creep – IOTW Report

Moron Continues to Think He is Charming – He is a Creep

20 Comments on Moron Continues to Think He is Charming – He is a Creep

  1. He didn’t just wake up one morning and say “Y’know, today seems like a good day to become a miserable POS”
    He’s always been a POS and a Low IQ Creeper, it’s just that his lack of mental accuity and restraints due to dimentia and his presence on the world stage let us see him more and more for what he relly is!

  2. The handlers occasionally let him get near a kid because the promise of a sniff or feel is the only thing that gets him out of bed to go through the motions of being a President.

  3. And not one single word from anyone watching this pedophile at work. If only I were given the opportunity to say something, I would have. I mean it would be worth it! Obviously he’s into ears and hair. I feel dirty…..

  4. It is disturbing that we get to watch him groom a child on the national stage.
    His “wife” is nothing but an enabler who provides the children. Why do you think she hosts so many “family” events?
    I await the video of one of these parents decking the hair-sniffer, but alas, they are all more than willing to sacrifice their children.

  5. “He’s always been a POS and a Low IQ Creeper,”

    Here’s what I notice about this guys character. Or lack there of. In simplest terms he’s a Flim Flam man. Always running the confidence game because the reality of it is he doesn’t no jack shit about anything. He doesn’t even qualify as one of those Jack of all, master of none peeps you run into. Yo can tell when he’s way over his head when he starts throwing out phrases like, give me a break, or come on man. He would have been gone long ago except for the protection he receives from the media.

  6. Harry Eyeball

    Yes, the fact of the matter is he’s lied so much he’s more comfortable with a lie than the truth. Starting with some poor guy that he accused of being drunk behind the wheel killing his family. He used the death of family members to propel his career. You can’t get much lower than that.


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