Is She Fat? – IOTW Report

Is She Fat?

No. And the comment to the video is on point.

But the biggest surprise is not knowing women in Nepal look like that.

Turd Ferguson would call her Miss Nipple.

47 Comments on Is She Fat?

  1. If that’s who Nepal wants to send to the contest, that’s their business. I’m betting she is not representative of her nation one bit. But indeed, just glad to see an actual woman.

  2. She is 5’7″ and 176 pounds, giving her a BMI of 27.6. That puts her in the category of overweight. Seems like guys don’t seem to mind it so much. I guess her fat is in all the right places? 🤷‍♀️

  3. Seems to me applause from the crowd was exaggerated. Like when a disabled kid wins best performance in the school play even though you couldn’t understand any of his lines as his classmates wheeled him around.

  4. I’d say she’s overweight, but she’s overweight in all the right places

    … no gut, no ‘jiggling’ thighs, no ‘hanging’ fat; firm & quite attractive for a ‘plus size’ woman

    like a buddy of mine used to say about this body type, “she was a biiiiiiig woman … but a friendly one”


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