What Even Is This??? – IOTW Report

What Even Is This???

Reduxx: Disturbing new information has come to light in the case of a 30-year-old trans-identified male threatening legal action against a women’s football league after female players refused to compete against him. While playing against teams that included a number of teenage girls, Francesca Needham reportedly sold sexual services while dressed as a “schoolgirl.” more

19 Comments on What Even Is This???

  1. Male perverts acting like women are a real danger to girls amd women in any sport.
    Governing bodies of girls and women’s sports must not allow so called “trans” men to participate.
    The best way to force the issue is for girl’s/women’s teams refuse to participate.

  2. Kill it or lock it away for all time and be done with it.
    Why are these obviously sick people encouraged?
    They, and their enablers, should be incarcerated for the good of society.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It’s not up to men to solve the problem of men masquerading as women in women’s sports. It’s up to you ladies. Until women are willing to wholesale boycott these freaks and perverts nothing will change. Like Jews 80% of women vote for Demonrats. They are learning the hard way about how antisemitic and antifemale the Demonrats really are.

    These same Demons demand women provide blood sacrifice to Mollach by aborting the innocent life in their wombs even until the point of live birth.

    I am beginning to hope that Jews, women, and blacks are finally beginning to understand how utterly evil the death cult of Demonrats really is…

  4. A pervert. Of course he’s a pervert. It’s one thing for him to sell his services, but who on earth is paying…for THAT? There is no shortage of nasty, desperate perverts in this world.

  5. interesting the injured girl is fundraising for her injuries. seems like she has a obvious case of harm at the hands of the league. im surprised the league is not using the teenage girls for jihadi shooting practice. another example of how the communists/islam take control through dissolution. the league will be no more, as the players parents realize how dangerous predators can maim their children.

  6. “I am beginning to hope that Jews, women, and blacks are finally beginning to understand how utterly evil the death cult of Demonrats really is…”

    Good luck with that!

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It’s in UK, so I’m going 50/50 on whether he loses or whether the courts compel teenage girls to continue to play with/against him, sending their parents to jail or fining them thousands for failure to comply. I say even odds.

  8. “It’s a complex issue…”?!!!!
    No, it’s not. XX or XY. Nothing complex about that.

    People are afraid of the alphabet gang filing lawsuits and destroying lives, but if women don’t fight this, they are done.

  9. @ Conservative Cowgirl Thursday, 23 November 2023, 11:42 at 11:42 am,
    Took the words right out of my….er….fingers! 1000 iotwr bucks and thumbs up!
    @ grayjohn Thursday, 23 November 2023, 11:39 at 11:39 am,
    Nice Yellowstone reference…


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