New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035 – IOTW Report

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035

GP: New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy recently announced that the state will phase out the sale of new cars that run on gas by 2035. This is similar to what the Democrat governor of New Mexico has said. Other states are making similar moves.

These people will not be in office in 2035. Why are they able to make decisions now that will affect people in their states over ten years from now?

This is part of the Democrats’ grand plan for a green push. They’re not waiting for the country to be ready for it, they don’t even care if people want it, they’re just doing what they want to do. more

24 Comments on New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Says State Will Phase Out Sale of New Gas Powered Cars by 2035

  1. Oh Ya! Sure.

    The Meat Heads & Guidos of Jersey are gonna give up their IROC’s & “Stangs’s” & get fukin Hi Breeds like Da White Breads and Da Blacks, Yo!

    Wink, Wink & we also gonna ditch the Marlboro Reds…

  2. We have good battery powered impact guns. I mean automotive tools. We even have impressive battery operated vacuum cleaners.

    Automobiles? No.

    It’s all oil, shipping, manufacturing, advertising, blah bah…

    Their green push is unalloyed bullshit.

    Thunderdome won’t be just a movie.

  3. So when are they going to start building the electrical grid to support all the new charging stations? Oh, that’s right, only the elite will have personal cars, the rest of us can ride the bus. Peasants don’t need a car, now be quiet and eat your bugs.

  4. The law banning sale of new gas cars will need to be accompanied by a massive tax on or outright banning of registration of cars brought into NJ as well.

    And don’t forget about the exemption$ for $pecial people and group$.

  5. New Jersey is competing with Illinois, California, and New York for the title:
    “Shit hole of the World.”

    But Murphy’s a bumbling amateur compared to the nihilistic totalitarians Pritzker, Noisome, and Hochul.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Will the maggot Murphy still be governor in 2035?

    You wonder how stupid and evil New Jerseyians are until you visit New Jersey.

    So, yeah, that rancid, festering, reeking, fetid pustule may still be governor.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. …meanwhile, in other regional fun…

    “Eric Adams accused of sexual assault in 1993 in new legal filing”

    …only possible because…

    “The one-year lookback window for the Adults Survivors Act closes on Thursday. The legislation allowed for the filing of civil lawsuits accusing individuals and institutions of sexual misconduct regardless of when the alleged incidents occurred.”
    …signed by Governess HerHell, natch.

    …I’m by no means a Mayor Adams fan, but it’s worth noting that all his troubles started when he dared contradict the Party narrative on illegal aliens.

    One thing Democrats learned very well from Islam is that apostasy MUST be punished EXTREMELY harshly, and clearly signal that any House servant that DARE step off the Plantation WILL have the hounds unleashed on him until he is dead, as a warning to OTHERS.

    …Mayor Adams’ troubles are just BEGINNING.

    Watch and see…

  8. Cisco Kid FRIDAY, 24 NOVEMBER 2023, 8:51 AT 8:51 AM
    I say we phase out pinkos by 2035…

    Does Mr. big know of your vendetta against Mr. Pinko? Believe some might object to your…
    Wait, what?

  9. Just so you know an Edmonton Canada bus company has just 16 out of 60 electric buses operating on the road.the rest are languishing in the garage waiting for parts from a company that just claimed BANKRUPTCY.
    No i did not make this up it comes from their head maintenance guy.


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