Irish Rioters Set Holiday Inn Express on Fire in Dublin Where Hundreds of Illegal Migrants Are Reportedly Being Held… – IOTW Report

Irish Rioters Set Holiday Inn Express on Fire in Dublin Where Hundreds of Illegal Migrants Are Reportedly Being Held…

– After Alleged Algerian Migrant Stabs Numerous Children near School.

Five people, including children, were stabbed near a school in Dublin, Ireland, on Thursday by a suspect whose identity has not yet been released.

Three children and two adults were taken to a nearby hospital with stab wounds. Their condition is unknown.

There are reports that the perpetrator is an Algerian immigrant.

28 Comments on Irish Rioters Set Holiday Inn Express on Fire in Dublin Where Hundreds of Illegal Migrants Are Reportedly Being Held…

  1. …hmm, let’s see…

    …Pushing the “Right Wing” lie…

    “They are disgraceful scenes. We have a complete lunatic, hooligan faction driven by far right ideology engaged in serious violence,” Police Commissioner Drew Harris told reporters after deploying 400 officers to restore public order.

    …contradicting the “Right Wing” lie in the same story…

    “Such rioting is almost unprecedented in Dublin. There are no far right parties or politicians elected to parliament, but small anti-immigrant protests have grown in the last year.”

    …gearing up for J6 style persecution of political opponents…

    “The government is reviewing security around parliament after a recent protest trapped lawmakers inside.”

    …Kitman, lying by omission to protect Islam

    “Police would not comment on the nationality of the detained man.”

    …calling defense against “diversity” appalling while leaving out the problem started with an attack on a child BY diversity, which is apparently OK…

    “There is a group of people, thugs, criminals, who are using this appalling attack to sow division,” Justice Minister Helen McEntee told reporters.”

    …aaaand, promising to unleash the full might of the Stormtroopers against anyone who complains.

    “Every force possible is being used by the Gardai (police) to restore order. This will not be tolerated.”

    …different country, same playbook.

    Tell me again that there isn’t a Central Committee pulling the strings in every nation…

  2. Clearly WRONG.
    President told us IN N.Y. 22.2 years ago that 911 was caused by “White, nationalist christians!. For the world knows Muslims are R.O.P.!”!
    9/17/01 use your favorite search engine and see for yourself.

    Christians caused 911!
    Presidents don’t lie; or do they?

  3. I take hope in this, like the Boston Tea party, tyrants can push the aggrieved only so far.

    When notoriously woke fucktards like the Irish get pissec you know you have gone to far.

    The cabal may use their wholly owned authorities to crack down on the “right wingers” who are actually lefties finally getting the message.

    The Dutch and Argentines have rejected the cabal so maybe the Great Pushback has started.

    Guns and greenbacks are the current guardrails still keeping us from a Marxist state.

    The cabal wants to digitize all currency, when that happens its game over…

  4. I look around the world, and while I see strife I also see eyes opened. Opened to the lies of the media. Open to the lies of their governments. I see change for the better happening in many places. It may be ugly and painful, but I see movement in a positive direction.
    It didn’t have to be this way. If rational rules and laws were properly enforced, then the public awareness that there are consequences for bad actions would lead to people doing the right thing. USA and other western countries wouldn’t be overrun with refugees, and emigrants would understand and appreciate the laws that are properly enforced and the opportunities available to them via hard work. Minorities would be MORE SUCCESSFUL, because instead of liberal white people forcing grievance ideology onto them they would be exposed to the classical ideology of self-improvement and self-worth that Booker T Washington espoused 150 years ago. The entire world would be WEALTHIER, HEALTHIER, and HAPPIER.
    It didn’t have to be this way… but it probably did, so that we could learn and grow from it.

  5. What a fecking shame. Arm the population and run the muzzie bastards out that survive the onslaught,,,,, then lynch your sorry ass traitors, aka leaders. Same as we need to do.
    Crusade Time. It’s always just been a matter of time until we have to drive the satanic mutha fuggers back into their crapholes.

  6. Sad for the propaganda machine, no guns involved.
    Now what are they going to ban?
    People have had more than enough of these foreign criminals getting away with everything.
    Our police aren’t happy.
    They even show pictures of the illegal foreign criminals.
    Just last night there was a home invasion and a shooting (no one hurt) and a stabbing here in Portland & South Portland, ME. All done by the Africans who the liberals keep importing.

  7. Are people waking up? I hope so…..but I don’t hold out much hope.

    The anti-white rhetoric and policies of Western nations, brought to you by Soros, has been going on for far too long and too many have accepted it.

  8. My wife and I traveled to Ireland a few years back. We drove all over Ireland visiting many cities and places. I didn’t want to visit Dublin, but the wife always wants to see the capital city. Dublin turned out to be the low-light of the trip. We couldn’t get out of there fast enough. It’s chocker-block full of third-worlders. If you travel to Ireland, consider the extreme west coast. Doolin and Dingle are great towns.

  9. I support the ‘right wing rioters’ who want to keep Ireland Irish. Fuck the politicians and fuck the media. Hopefully this a harbinger of things to come in every country that is currently being overrun by 3rd world ‘refugees’.

  10. While I’m sure they are profiting heavily from their presence, the hotel likely had NO CHOICE in the matter if they wished to continue in operation (that is what government does). Destroying the hotel does NOT guarantee that all inside will die. But I certainly understand the frustration and nobody should be shocked by the response.

  11. “There is a group of people, thugs, criminals, who are using this appalling attack to sow division,” Justice Minister Helen McEntee told reporters.”

    No, Helen the division is being sown by importing swarms of third world invaders who kill Irish children.


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