Smoke’em If You Got’em, New Zealand – IOTW Report

Smoke’em If You Got’em, New Zealand


New Zealand’s government is planning on repealing a smoking ban approved last year in a move critics denounced as a “win for the tobacco industry”.

The country’s new prime minister, Christopher Luxon, was sworn in on Monday after his National Party struck a deal on Friday following last month’s election.

The tobacco restrictions passed last year included requirements for reduced nicotine levels and a lifetime ban for anyone born after 2008. More

11 Comments on Smoke’em If You Got’em, New Zealand

  1. More a win for the ‘Leave us the EFF alone’ crowd, but leftist jerkoff hack ‘activist’ Karen smelling lackwits gotta make our lives a miserable as theirs already are.

  2. There’s something to be said of the state putting a high tax on tobacco to recover the additional cost of providing health care to smokers, but a total prohibition is going to create an incentive to break the law.

  3. CDC estimates the annual cost at around $300 billion.,in%20lost%20productivity%20due%20to%20secondhand%20smoke%20exposure.

    This source estimates $11.26 billion annually collected in taxes on cigarettes and estimates that amount to fall over this decade.

    Would the proper conclusion be that non-smokers shoulder a $289 billion cost for those who smoke in The United States? As a non-smoker, that doesn’t strike me as being particularly fair.

  4. Here in the US, states squandered the money they received from the settlement with tobacco companies. They couldn’t wait for the full amount so they sold out for 50 cents on the dollar and then blew the money.

  5. How about the government mandating the jab to decrease covid levels. How about the government mandating the jab to create the first covid free generation. How about the government mandating the jab to save billions in medical costs.

  6. Say what?
    MONDAY, 27 NOVEMBER 2023, 16:08 AT 4:08

    Perhaps your /sarc/ button is stuck? Jab save nothing. especially against the coat of developmemt of the germ, development of the nth generation vaccine, and low- to no- overall effectiveness, with the adfitional costs of the lockdown, and masking, and kids not in school, and missed medical evaluations…

    I suspect we’re both in the position of ‘proving a negative’ here, so its all academic sand table battles.

    If leftists don’t want daddy governmemt telling them what not to do, I assure you, the rest of us don’t want mommy governmemt telling us what we must do.


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