Seems I Will Watch Anything – IOTW Report

Seems I Will Watch Anything

When I’m painting I have to have music or something to break the silence. Sometimes it is this stupid —->

10 Comments on Seems I Will Watch Anything

  1. I didn’t watch the whole thing so maybe he discussed this. If one pushes the popcorn button the microwave will ask you what size of package. The popcorn makers no longer sell popcorn in those large bags. The popcorn I see is sold in smaller bags, meaning you get less popcorn. Many years ago (before I had a microwave with a popcorn button) I would set the microwave for 3:20. I would stop it sometime after 3:00 and the popcorn would be properly popped. Now, it barely takes 2:00 for the popcorn to pop. The popcorn makers are screwing us over.

  2. Anon 1:58pm,
    I’ll be excited about a porno bust at Pirate Bill’s house when I see/hear/read about him being led out of his abode in handcuffs and led before a judge for arraignment for a (near) future trial.

  3. I used to listen to talk radio when I worked. Rush’s passing altered that considerably. Buck & Travis took over but they had on Chris Christie one time too many and I’m done. I no longer listen.

    So, me too. It’s music on Spotify or books on Audible. I’ve listened to books about Lewis & Clark, Teddy Roosevelt and how Yellowstone came to be. If I need to know what’s going on in the world I come here or scroll though X. I just can’t digest news like I used to.

  4. Or, if you might be needing a variety of music, consider listening to original musical arrangements, scores, and various instrumentals which required five years (plus) to complete some 11 CD albums by the virtual “Synthonic Orchestra, Band & Choir”:


  5. I remember in state government, there were prohibitions against popcorn in microwaves near the executive suite because some people who were used to 500 watt units taking five minutes would set then1200 watt microwave for five minutes and not watch, resulting in a bag of burnt corn.

  6. I have watched a few of this guy’s videos. I may have become a little less interested when he went on a global warming trade once. However, he does have some interesting content.

    “…a microwave from my childhood.” Oh Lordy.

  7. I bowl every Tuesday night, where they use one of those fancy popcorn machines. There are few things that smell as good as freshly popped corn – until they burn it. Maybe they should buy a microwave.

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