Oh Dear – IOTW Report

Oh Dear

25 Comments on Oh Dear

  1. Fuck’s sake. I have all kinds of stitches in all kinds of hands… I have hit my hands and fingers with 3 pound hammers, and other people’s hands and fingers with 3 pound hammers.

    I once stuck a double bit axe in my OWN back. And other unsavory stories.

    I’ve done exactly what she did. A thousand times.

  2. Nothing wrong with that. The kids appear to have been turned loose with tools they have no familiarity with. She is so focused on where she is achieving the result she is after that she doesn’t appear to see that the frame is interfering with the stock she is trying to cut. It is awfully dangerous to have a six inch machinist’s vise sliding around loose on a smooth surface though. It would be pretty easy to pull it off and break someone’s foot.

  3. Probably 15 seconds. On my small screen iPhone it looked like she was cutting into the vise. Then I saw the frame of the hacksaw riding the top of the project. Yeah… about 15 seconds.

    As a side note. I’ve done that.

  4. saw the problem about 2 seconds into the vid … been there, done that

    first, & only time I did it, scratched my head, dismantled the saw, grabbed the blade & hand-sawed it

    … yeah, I’m stubborn like that … the focus is on the job getting done

    & clamp the dang-blasted vise! … you gonna hurt yourself!

  5. It looked like some unknown force was preventing the girl (assumption!) from sawing thru the board.

    Possibly it was a left-handed saw, or maybe she should have started on the other end.

  6. The right tool for the right job?

    Nah. Liberals don’t know how to do that.

    (Chances of her being a Liberal are almost 100% because Conservative parents would have taught her already!)

  7. Took me about 5 seconds to notice the saw frame clearance was too short for the piece of lumber she was attempting to cut. The whole situation was frustrating for this kid and her solution wasn’t going to work.
    Also, why is the clamp holding the lumber not anchored? Stupid, careless shop teacher and school system I suppose are to blame – budget issues.

  8. I took shop class in Junior High (now Middle) School in the 1970s. I was the only girl in class. Didn’t go so well.
    Like most girls, I really didn’t understand the mechanics of the projects in shop class.

    Besides, I couldn’t focus. There were too many cute boys in the class and I had a crush on the young, really cute teacher. Lasted two weeks.

    My poor school counselor took a chance on me, after I begged him to let me try shop class, then I goofed it up. Kids!


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